_MatrixSin_ - Harshlands Arc User


  • Well, I am not afraid of fighting AA classes at all, as I am used to it (playing in a private server aswell.) and I believe, being charmed aswell can be a great addition to survivability, cause in some cases, such as ganking and/or group pvp could require a charm. As far as I know, the gankers (yes, gankers.) probably…
  • Well, I am both an offensive and defensive player, as I rely on stealth mostly to not get ganked/randomly attacked by other people. I know what I'm doing while I am outside sz, so that is not a big problem. I take alot of risks when there is a small group with people going versus me, but I usually get away alive, as long…
  • I'd say, buy alot of FC's, do your BH's (once you reach the lvl to do so ofc.) CS alot and voila, you've got your lvl and gear, (most likely.) but questing would be worth doing though, at least to lvl 70-80 (easier to buy FC's and stuff.) and when you're 9x (90-99) you'll be able to get FC squads pretty fast aswell, so it…