Cause that guy aoeing with tim in 3 map almost 24/7 was Ascii's evil twin? And who in this world is that Doom guy?
Huge HH fail.. like wtf
So many pets wtf
Ultimate is godb:shocked He sees the futureb:shocked
True lol One of the reasons why i left KD was the morons that either died for pissing me off or get caugh in AOES went QQing to rayver.. Public session of KD forum was full of "Ajani rpking" and its sad when 80's are in west gate and complain, both guilds are strong just drop the stupid rpk rule or more important (this to…
Shoes for spoons ahahaha i fail at paint dood
I stopped reading here. You can always PK in. 5000 times better than use slow **** aoe's.
And we are talking about making cash with grind/HH etc no with gold.
Ok Ice you win. Four skills.. one people only get cause its needed for mist. Mist is awesome for heal macro. Other 2 are great for pve and pvp. This are the skill i have, call me fail call me wahtever.. i do just fine I only maxed (and most venos i know) this skill: heal pet venomous scarab fire scarab (lvl 4) ironwood…
GZ ? I have 3 skills in fox form (4 actually.. but one is a pre requisite). 2 curses amp and purge, and 1 attack skill befudding mist.. I use it for heal macro in HH. Leech is kind of nice but worthless in pvp and in pve is not really needed.
OK. I'am fail.. I have an archer, cleric, blademaster and a veno. The veno makes way more cash and without wasting anything.. sometimes even pots i get from mobs i send then to my bm so i can aoe. WITHOUT HERC/NIX Not out fault u spend more time doing worthless math trying to prove a "wrong" point of view instead of…
Event mp pots for grinding? Do u barrage everything?
You are a smart young man/woman. So veno is expensive but u can max skills that are just trash and nowone actually uses... makes senseb:chuckle My veno only was purge and amp in fox form.. only thing u need in HH/Pvp
Venos can solo tons of boss either in HH or not, cheapest grinding thanks to mp/hp transfer. PvP is easy if u don't fail, just get a pet, max bleed (sawfly works) and play smart. Soul transfusion is just OP, seriouslly. I get it. You play a class that is easy like hell, OP in a lot of aspect and u can be independent. Let's…
Green is the color of pot.. MARCIANS ForTheLolz
Stop the math and the QQ's.. Venos can solo most of the game stop being creating pointless threads about "OMG VENOS BLOW.. I WISH I WAS A RICH ARCHER.."
People like you that made PvP careland >.>
Old movies trolling Kylin.. Problem is that still happens nowadays :/
Shoot then in tha face y0
Wings is pro pvp skill b:cute Get full chi, wings of grace > blessing of the condor for chi > demon spark and thanks for coming :)
Do it now :) Hopefully someone with chinese language knowledge may translate a couple of guides :)b:cute
LA ep's suck. Get a reset stone first
Ok....... ?
Show me some love ascii :( -Ajani
You finally got that PvE to 90 with dailies and spending countless times in south arch cybering with e-boys is boring?
This is a PvE server. Unless you choose too nowone will pk you.
I got this in my mind... "NO RUSSIAN" eheh Spoons know what i mean
Ofc i PvEd to 95 rofl.. I never showed my face in PvP lol it was m evil twin brother. btw U calling me a carebear when u are 80 for 3 months and all u do is kill 30's in HO. Seriouslly butthurt more oneshoot?
I'am Froan_PL.