bump b:pleased
all pmed :)
join Infamous =) most people are 30+ and we can do fbs up to 59 pretty easy and the cult 39/49 bosses ^^ have teamspeak and forums but forums arent active much..
Bump recruiting all levels b:chuckle
Bump b:bye
_Katelyn_ elf archer ^^
Bump...62 b:pleased
>Join Infamous ^^ Don't leave again =( and you won't need this thread anymore b:chuckle
ok we're stuck at like 52 haha b:chuckle
Infamous will take you =) We are planning on a TW pretty soon (just for the experience) and we do some FB runs and bosses ^^ we also love to help other guildies so you usually get help if there's people on around ur lvl or up =)
53... b:sleep
47 People =)
If you guys got a few more levels you could join Infamous =) Friendly community with lots of people willing to help you with bosses and fbs and stuff =)
Infamous is now level 2 accepting level 30+ =) If you want to me one of us ingame tht would be great =) Impetus Fairy_Queen KHunterX Pawnage pm any one of them and they'll let you in if im not on ty =)
=) need more people lol back to 31 >.<
ok =) ill pm you once you're on b:pleased
notice i didn't say we pk people 30 lvls below us, haha, we pk 40+ and 45+for the challenge
yeah =) ill pm you ingame+here =) sure we do have a few 60+ though haha
Infamous will take you =) 80% of our members above lvl 30 pk every week so yeah =) we pk more now cuz it's snowman event and they make ur red name go down faster =P pm me if you want to join
Name: Infamous Server: Lost City PvP Leader: _Katelyn_ Forum Link: Ty =P
32 people =)
Bump...22 people atm
Infamous is a relatively new guild with 20 or so members. There's usually at least 2 people on in the daytime and we're all 20+ so we can help ^^ Future plans include PK, TW, mass FB runs and upgrading to lvl 2 lmk =)
k we hit 15, looking for more ^^
i put their level as their title and if they havent gained 2 lvls in a week they get booted lol if we did tw i would pay out 85% of the money and keep 15% for future wars/guild expansion ^^
1.8M to start bid :D
K we're almost at 10 ppl :D
:( no more ppl?
:P +6 ppl with 3 teleacoustics lol
kk ^^ well i guess ill go with a regular panther then thx :P