I blame _Evil_Angel
Xue are you cheating on me with Sweetiebot?
Are we there yet?
Awww honey im sorry but i had him tied up in bed covered in chocolate body paint
Thank you to Enrage for having some fun which is what was intended, i dont get this Rage and Revenge shiet, we was just there for the laughs and the fun, would of been nice to have the I Love crew there with us but meh , when ya decide to have some fun with them maybe Rad can come to the party with ya ....... aslong as you…
just thought id share this with ya !!
in special cases the internet makes ppl smart .... google FTW
maybe its the shortened version of .... ziprasidone...... an antipsychotic used as the hydrochloride salt in the treatment of schizophrenia. would make alot of sense ....
Bale i advise you to use GreatDragon ... that dude is like a ninja barb and always in ya face somewhere lmao
Great fight Enrage, best fight we have had in so long ... Duck if ya gunna stalk me like that honey please atleast try bringin me flowers first b:kiss
Cause your not availiable??b:thanks
You first Kya ..... After me b:chuckle
Cause she is so much smexier than you paul!! awww i want you too Paul , but thats only to be our manservant b:thanks
are ya really orange?b:chuckle
lmao hope ya blow him a big kiss when ya say that b:kiss its just like sayin goodnight.