From what i read everyone is tellin-u shall upgrade OS etc... Well since im using XP and ofc im gettin this erorr i wish someone at least noted that they will upgrade arc that is not suporting old OS. There r many ppl that uses XP and idc if its old or not. Its not our fault for using outdated OS its our choice, but its…
i can still get my dqf:cute
i jz wanna event goldsf:cute am i asking for muchf:grin
now i can use my dq only for harshlands and morai O.o...but guess what-im playing on archf:angry bugs bugs -_-
oh yea cupcakes is good one f:cutef:victory
f:grin smiiiilee smilleeeeee
yea u have right ppl lets just not QQ cose we have maint in tw time, and crashed server in nw timef:despise
what the hell i turned this on in 7amb:shocked
this is funny as much as its sad, so whats the next compesation u offer pwi? oh i know, more crashes, more mestakes...if u rly care about ur customers u will do something about nw that we missed, but it seems u just dont care Think little about us who r still playing this game with all ur mestakes U will save money and…
this is sadb:angry
Happy New year everyoneb:thanks have a nice holidays and dont get too much mad on pwib:chuckle Happy New year PWIb:kiss
i totaly agree that they should spend time with family etc etc...holidays r here and we all priciate there job..honestly, im only disapointed cose they do maintance in wrong time...they know that ppl have tw in that time, so they could do maint before or after... we all get rage about alots of stuffs, and they cant…
fix the bug with last boss in full warsongb:angryand rly u could find another time at the whole day to do maintance not in tw time, i feal sad for factions who does tw in that it so hard to do 1 thing right...