Oh god WHY?
That's because you haven't come TW recently at all, the speeches are amazing, EVERYONE IS MISSING OUT!
Archo reppin' ...Blue? Couldn't you come up with something, ANYTHING more creative?!
InB4Close Mawhahahaha!
Urgh this whole thread is making me cringe, everyone shut up and stop acting like children slinging mud, not only does it make you all look ridiculous but at the end of the day you've achieved nothing but making yourself dirty. Honestly I wish for once people could just get along, I know it's just a game and w/e but we're…
Oh please just stop lol, and you too Nick, it's like watching two bulls circling each other, clashing horns then backing up, circling, clashing, over and over and neither taking any ground from the other because one side refuses to listen to the other and visa versa. Not achieving anything honestly.
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~ pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~ pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~ Everyone just chill out, those members from Defiance are going to always think they're in the right and those of us from Nemesis are also going to think that we're always in the right, and no matter…
I'm in total agreeance with everything Rix has said here, but something I would like to add which is directed at Jas who mentioned something about those members who had left Rogue to go and win? As I was one of those members who left I'd like to say that it was nothing to do with anything winning related, I, while in Rogue…
I cannot answer for Defiance or the whole of Nemesis but; 1) I don't actually like involving myself in drama/flame/etc, It achieves nothing. Although I do know I can let my emotions get the better of me and lash out, and have found out the hard way that it causes more problems than it's worth. And quite honestly it's funny…
I finally got around to finding a fashion combo that I liked... took me forever :x. Here is my entry! Zheii, Archosaur.
Oh god, I have so much fashion, trying to find a combo that is the "best" is impossible q_q. -Will submit an entry later down the track after I spend hours finding fashion-
I second this, I was in this squad and it was more painful than anything I've done for a long time >_>. We tried everything to try and un-glitch the axes, and nothing worked so not only was it a waste of time, energy and resources it was emotionally draining to the point of pure rage. In short: 'That moment you spend well…
Thanks for the update! Hopefully we'll see the return of Silver Charms and DQ points soon because honestly the wait for things that we should of had ages ago is getting quite old quite fast.
What o_O.
Errrm CurseD, the amount of lands you have has nothing to do with your base resources and gives you no benefit within your base what so ever. Your TW Epeen/Ego/Etc isn't going to help you here, sorry :x.
I just read 5 pages of nothing, +10!
One Shot Proski ;D And I think I already told you but I do love your vids<3
I agree with you here Wayne, the only reason I avoid barbs is because full vit build TW barbs just... aren't meant to be solo'ed. On private servers things may be different but on PWI? Well geared barbs are cata pullers and you just don't solo them. I avoid 1v1ing them purely because of the effort and amount of time it…
Well as always I got carried away while sketching qq First ;c Second xD I haven't used my tablet in soo lonngg D:. 10910
Omgosh, I need to draw something now- brb finding my tablet! 10908
Lmao, I can't believe the most avoided class in 1v1 is sins. They're so easy D;
That makes me think what would have happened if I'd never joined Archo server, Quite interesting to think about really o.o.
Lmao, Nyan Cat drives me up a wall D;. I did not hear this lmao xD.
Barbs... Just oh god, the amount of damage needed to get past their charms with their stupid amounts of hp is ridiculous D:<.
You really think it's cute? Awwwh shucks! You're going to make me blush!
Awwwh daaamn, **** just got so real! xD
The fact that you're putting so much energy into this thread is quite funny Kniraven, I honestly don't understand why xD.
This sounds like so much fun, I'm super curious as how you're going to put people into tiered groups though. The difference between defeat and a win can be as simple as someone having a better card, slightly higher refines or a few shards more, unless people have EVERYTHING maxed, then it is hard to call their fights…
Awwwwwwwwwh!! That sounds so cute XD. 10863
I'm never going to be able to +10 my new rings at this rate :/ 25g each I could do, but 50g a pop? Not in a million years Q_Q.