A rep sale sounds nice. I honestly dont feel like snatching up the rep needed for these thing by doing quests. Its boring work. I've tried most classes. And I'd dreading going through Archo 20 - 30 again.. So if a sale makes something a bit easier, I might just try it out.
Unfortunatly, I agree. This post has been up for nearly two days, yet no GM has responded. Nor have they responded to the ticket I submitted yet.
- about you spam in another place? Im trying to get help with my game, thanks. Could a GM please try to solve my problem?
Before any GM says for me to try again at a different time. I have. Multiple times throughout the day. And still the same thing. And I have tried to log into other servers. Same thing.
I still have the installer from when I first installed the game.
I already did that. I manual patched all the way from version 1 to 182. Still nothing.