So the problem isn't the buffs it's that you don't want help at all? If that's the case go buy a single player game, noone around to help you then, just you vs the game.
Yeah clerics should just reroll, they're not needed, there is powders for hp/mp regen, HP pots for healing, damage reduction pots to take place of phys and mag def buff and scrolls to revive. But seriously if they've buffed you they've given you a full set of buffs, i'd happily give up hp/mp regen for the other three, less…
Not much trouble really, just purify it away, tah duh no negative effect
Was the blessing being worn? I know it doesn't make a huge difference, but every little bit helps. And was magic shell active at the time? Since it doesn't get over ridden when you rebuff it has a nasty habit of running out at bad times. About the only two reasons i can think for the damage jumping up that high, besides it…