well itsher image so you can see that she is paying atentionb:victory and eyes arent that big as mostly others have<.< they just a little more open then others b:cute
found this boss lurking around in plain of farwells And here is someone i found while doing DailyXD
i dont wanna take names from other people so i called my nix Sneeker that bactab u while snaekingXD My golem is named Rambo had him all time since lvl 18b:cute
was making a pic but now i understand u have to take the same place><
The place i call homeb:cute south of village of dreaming cloud, REALLY pretty at night, this is only the bridgeb:cute
hmmmm... did the 3rd boss hurt anyone at all?b:bye
haha nice if someone did that to i would kick his jewels b:angry so no touching unless u are allowed tob:laugh
wow really nice:D i had to laught when she asked for 1k goldb:laugh and yes its true not ll girls are after money, like meb:cute i just want a strong guy to loveb:kiss
here i got 1 in armor with my nix and genieb:cute ops got a lil bigXD
My veno Zansara, please vote and commentb And sorry i put so man but i just want u too see every angel kindab:cute And i dunno how to take away names
This is my masterpiece of totall 2 hours with 4 makeover scrolls, il sen one later with my armor, u like her?^^ and plz comment:3