'scuse you? Bam. Two videos right there proving how wrong that is.
Hey guys, I sure do like your thread!
Sure missed some fun stuff, Euthy
Flip a coin.
I miss you Sky or whatever your name was.
2funny Anyway, I demand action to be taken against the person I mentioned before hand. Please note that any acts of "trolling" done to the person in question were merely retaliation, as all acts of my so called "meanibutt mcbadperson guy" "insults" are. I wish to report this user and have screenshots as proof of their…
-snip- As you see, I too have been victimized. Of course, I don't publicize it in this manner. I've had much worse cases of it as well. Oh well, guess some people need thicker skin eh? -snip
This game has less balance than a guy with an inner ear infection riding a unicycle on a tightrope.
Play well.
That's trippy. I want to make love to her voice.
Mods seem to be dropping the ball. Look Keyboard Killer (seriously someone close this, I'm pretty much) habit does not mean your method is better. You may be better using it now, but once you learn the more efficient method you could become far better. I used to have Smack, Reckless Rush, and Drake's Bash at spots on my…
A final farewell to the Clickless Coolguy Man. These are actually kind of hard to think of.
I miss Calamity.
How does adapting and changing tactics NOT give them an edge, however small it may be?
Ruby sharded master race here.
>Listen to music >Find music you enjoy >Use said music for videos >???? >profit Common sense mang Now everyone beware, the Mouse-free Murderer is on his way.
Zanryuu. You don't mess with perfection, and if you're forced to you get as close as possible.
Watch out, here comes the Touchpad Terror.
Disneyland isn't a prison. Unless you're like.. those kids they kidnapped and forced to wear costumes, chained to the sides of the ride and forced to dance and such. Then it is, luckily I'm a full grown adult and can enjoy the rides and leave as I please. Awwww yeah. If I want to be concerned with your thread I can be, I'm…
Hatred is rather strong, if that's how you perceive it then more power to you, but it isn't hate. It's more akin to annoyance. If you don't like how I replied to this thread, you too could have ignored it, but you chose not to. Good deeds are nice, but why not actually do something meaningful rather than shamelessly…
If you dropped hundreds to thousands of dollars on this game to win and still got wrecked you'd be pissed off too.
Zanryu is best name. Also, they could go the route of -ohmygodcan'tnamethisgame- and make it so after a certain period of inactivity (preferably 1 year) your name becomes retired and is available for use again.
I refuse. /snipped
Mods aren't supposed to be condescending, you're setting a bad example for me. Be a better role model so I don't end up on the streets Kossy. Only you can prevent forest fires. Also, just because it can be countered by plain stupid luck doesn't mean that it's appropriate. "Hey, I can avoid a one shot skill when you use it…
No. You didn't say please or get down on your knees and beg for it. So my answer is no.
Why do you hate me? It makes me sad Kni-poo. Please tell me, we're both on PWI forums so it's PWI related. You have to answer. Why KniKni? Why aren't you affectionate towards me my darling?
Wayne's canadian. You'll have to excuse him. I'm sorry. ****, it's spreading. I'm sorry. So sorry.
Mod basically just called someone stupid. Ban for a week. No really. Someone ban Kossy. I got banned for the exact same thing. I demand Justice! (teehee, demanding Justice is funny if you know me)