Legendary forges have some new weapons requiring molds so there are likely ways to obtain them :P
Erm... It was my understanding that the new R8 upgrade is in fact the second recast... Example using BM R8 Chest: - original R8 chest ☆Plate of the King - original R8 first recast ☆☆Plate of the King: Sol - new R8 second recast ☆☆☆Plate of the King: Sol EDIT: Unless you meant third cast, not recast...
Just saying... FC is STILL NOT hyperable.
Any info on if the dreamchaser pack has been altered to accommodate new race in any way? :3
</3 b:cry </3
b:bye bye bye, cruel world! b:cry
The new expansion will bring A LOT of low level new race players, don't forget :P
You're leaving me? </3
D: she is gonna kill you
b:chuckle don't let my wifey see you sending me hearts b:shocked
Sometimes I do wish some classes just stopped using aggro skills so I could tank, Elven Boon ftw :3 But having IH strong enough to do significant healing with one cast is nice to dish out :3 I think someone else made this point but... Generally my priority is to keep people alive above saving their charm... And often I am…
We were all given full prior warning multiple times and instructions on disabling it. There is no reason to be angry; I managed to disable it on my accounts and... As expect, everything is as normal as ever.
A bit harsh considering most people will understand the intention. And I have no idea where it came from, sorry.
Amen to that. As far as heals go, it is like 989457948574395933784 times stronger than BB. The only reason BB is used is because of really squishie characters that can't take 100% damage and because it is aoe.
Everyone seems to forget Sage/Demon Metal Mastery; if your magic attack is high enough, Sage Primal Great Cyclone will hit more than Demon - which is so easy to do with war avatar cards now too :3 (and yes I know demon has crit rate but I hate unreliability) As Sage... It's rather fun to make someone unable to do a darn…
b:cry my pony is broken!
East coast servers host robot unicorn attack? :c
55156 yeah! ^.^ Edit: Advice: Think the Pony, Feel the Pony, BE the Pony.
50568 all I got >.<
b:laugh I will beat all of your scores b:laugh Edit: Nope... I suck >.<
JessJess... Why you do dis? b:angry
No no, it was Jess that got up o.o
So erm... Jess getting up and breaking everything east coasty still seems to have not been fixed for me :(
logged back in to finish BH Snake with someone who didn't DC and now it's gone again for me :/
There you go... It was Jess' fault... Shouldn't have got up >:3
f:defeat down for me
Down for me also. Mid-pav on my BM.
Why be specific about assassin class? Do not forget that PV 100+ is highly physical damage and casters typically have even less physical defence than the light armour assassin class. I do not have a high level wizard but I cannot imagine how a wizard (for example) could do PV100+ quickly, safely and cheaply with such a…
Happened for me twice before; once when leader DCed and the other when lead was passed.