bobzl, kirby
congrats ^^!
BM - Ashworth.. that jerk :@
haha, that'd be an interesting race to watch, part of me wants to go necro that thread where Falls attributed the colour red to why everyone hated Nef haha.
Every faction has it's time in the sun.
I heard if you make it all CAPS it works.
i will donate sex-change scroll (if they ever make one), so you can have a chick BM
rah rah! b:chuckle
not that I'm defending what that Rainbowtea guy is saying, but isn't saying it's a Nef alt a big assumption.. for all we know it could just be someone faking being a Nef alt to drum up public opinion that everyone is Nef is cocky. As for attacking Nef, it wasn't too long ago when we lost lands in a 3-way attack. Get lazy…
Night to Late-Night PST. Around the time Dailies reset.
Belated congrats to R3N3G4D3S (I hope I wrote that correctly >_>). I think the whole server thought Legendary/Outlaw/Nef were bidding so much because they felt it was a sure thing. Congrats on proving everybody wrong! Enjoy the fruits of victory haha!
Once, Tempy told me his expense costs for each week... I almost passed out reading it.
Anyone have a picture of Goosey?
Big Red, did you come up with that nickname yourself? It's interesting haha.
Aya, bookmark this! It's about to get interesting.
I love the last 2 pages of this thread b:dirty
heh, to be fair this would've only worked if Falls was still the Leader. Devalis never made any promises to return the faction to Sas if he returned.
Yeah, the US is an adaptation of the UK version. The UK version takes place in Slough.
Thanks :) I like being elusive and not well known b:avoid Well, for a while I remember Falls used to "pretend" to be Sas (I think it was fears of banned for having multiple accounts or something). But Sas did log on once or twice to update us on his computer issues (generally via forums). Well to be fair to Devalis, at the…
Age: older than 21, younger than 25 :D Gender: Male Ethnicity: 1st Generation Chinese-Canadian, Mother's side are from China, Father's side are British-born Chinese. Location: West-coast Canada, Greater Vancouver Area Occupation: Looking for Grad schools, working in a Mental Treatment Facility, generally work with…
Well at the point you joined, Sasaki had gone on leave because of computer trouble, but basically in the end he never returned. Falls used to play Sasaki's account as well which is why the lead shuffled between the two. As for Devalis, everyone has their theories, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that he…
hihi mumu. Well, I was leader from about 4 months and to be honest, I underestimated the amount of time I'd need to lead. I had already previous spent a lot of time doing faction related business (I first became an officer in April iirc), but the extra work needed to be leader kind of pushed me too far and the game got the…
If we're being pedantic there was a two week period where one of the Leaders got banned and we didn't get paid for 2 weeks and we didn't lose any members haha. I collect them, send them to me! haha b:surrender
They are moved after the TW's to reduce clutter in the TW section...
chouette histoire, frere!
My apologies then, I must've skipped a page while I was reading. Fake bids are very difficult to prove, it's near impossible for a person to prove that a fake bid was lodged unless it was openly communicated in-game. Sometimes, what may seem like a fake bid is in fact not. For example, at one point we had a member leave…
grrr.. I wanted to be the first to post that b:sad
I hate to accuse you of painting all Nef members with the same brush.. but it's probably suitable in this situation b:surrender We're not saints by any stretch of the imagination, but I can say that I've met plenty of people while I was in Nef that were both respectful and kind.
me b:surrender
Noxious Gas along with what other people have mentioned will be useful in Rebirth runs. As for Venomous and Ironwood. They will generally be your bread and butter for normal grinding. Ironwood is useful for helping a pet hold aggro as it drops the mob's pdef. While Venomous is good in that it has a low mana cost, doesn't…