You kno you're an old player when having 500k was alot .__. -Sigh-
A Buh-jillzion hrs =_=
/inb4close #2 b:pleased
+1 post count :/
Suprise butt smex...
Tytytyty >:)
zomg can i use the tiger as my siggy plzzzzzzzz D:
ty :D QQ Seeeeeeeee!?!?
To unite all people within our nation o:
I Cant get over the title of this thread! rofl!
there u go again lol, but mmkay, it was fun.
You claim I don't use proper capitilization, then you do the same, you claim I don't use proper punctuation, then you do the same, sounds like a hypocrite calling another hypocrite a hypocrite...hmm
Says the one who did the same thing as me? Lol it's okay, you'll get over it.
If a sentence starts with "Did"...its should have a question mark at the end.
lol Touche ... You missed your question mark at the end of your sentence. o_o Edit: thnx to Kritty u also missed periods at the end of your sentences too lmao! Fail troll is fail trolling a person accused of being a fail troll.
No, these forums have become pathetic and sad. All they are filled with are wanna-be trolls & BR's who insist on murdering the english language. and im not even gunna start with the game cuz all you'll hear is QQ packs, QQ sins, QQ unbalanced, QQ bored & a lot of UMADBRO's so....yea.
Sally of course, a white girl with some a$$ = automatic win <33333
The reason people complain is because they see 2 or 3 people doing it, so they want to feel cool by hopping on the bandwagon and complaing too. b:scorn
Its Private server stuff, if you were to play a p.server, they have all of the above mounts and more lol. >_<
Awww :(
QQ ikr!!! >_<
i'd spend it on plvling to about lvl 101, then buy all my r9 gear +12, then buy alot of black fash, then buy a butt load of hp & mp plat hp charms, then a good flying and land mount, then the rest would go in the bank :D
Awwwww :"(
If i do enough FCC runs, can my new class haz layzurz gunz pl0x?? :(
He didnt capitalize every word, his thank you is lower-case SO HA!!!
U might get Perma-banned for saying you wont give money to PWE, better watch out, PWE sees EVERYTHING.......except for the obvious stuff o__o