XprofitX - Lost City Arc User


  • i also have a similar problem i recently got a new computer and when i go to download PWI it will reach about 57% the end of the first data pack then say error file size doesn't match and the download will cancel all together. any thoughts/wisdom to help me get past this? thanks in advance.
  • i never used an oricle and im 75 and with all legendary gear+weps and no one including barbs under 80 can beat me unless they gank me xD and even then i 1 shotted 9x venos with nixs and wizs and clerics got killed by a lvl 99 HA veno tho b:surrender LOL
  • btw the first set of legendaries are lvl 22 b:victory
  • i've never spent millions on new daggers i always got the molds and have always had legendary gear for my lvl and at 75 no one under 8x can beat me unless they gank me xD b:laugh
  • i do both pvp/pve and at 61 i was soloing my bh 51 with the pure dex build and with straight LA ocf i have a charm but only a silver one and it was really easy as for personal opinion rib strike is a must it slows at max 50% that a huge difference between life or death as for stuns lvl 1 is fine 3.2 sec is enough time to…
  • Speaking of fail classes and chars LOL look who it is.The ONLY LA barb on the lost city server if that doesnt spell failure i dnt know what does anymore LOLb:chuckle
  • um hamsta granted u 1 shotted my lvl 65 archer do u not remember me 1 shotting u in nightscream isle or w/e its called in dreamweaver port with a lazily executed barrage of arrows? LOL 1 shotting someone 20+ lvls lower than u doesnt make u an expert in beating a class ur gimped too ^^ ijs.b:laugh
  • and also about the stun lock thing if our stealth exceeds the bms or barbs lvl all we need to do is sleep/silence/headhunt/spark/then repeat with a couple other skills to allow for cooldowns and stealth before the bm/barb stuns and they lose their target b:laugh as long we are in the same lvl range it all depends on how u…
  • im only lvl 59 and w/o my trancendant skills and i took out a charmed lvl 66 bm in 4 shot w/ wolf emblem active my crits ate his hp faster than a fat kid in an eating contest ^^ ....ijs but also agreed no class truly shines till upper 7x-8x so we will see when we get there ^^b:victory