I know I've come across your shop a few times, along with other members of my faction, who tried to purchase items from you and got an error message instead. For me, as recent as sometime these past 5 days.
b:laugh Glad I took today off.
It's a free to play MMO- expect things like that to happen.
Why play a cleric when you can auto attack with APS? Why waste MP on skills when you can auto attack with APS? However, compared to getting to high APS, paying for everything a cleric needs is chump change. TL;DR Auto attack is king. Mystics can't replace clerics. Their plants are a nice coupling with chromatic healing…
Please tell me you're joking. In case you are not, servers are offline for maintenance.
It's been said before that PWdatabase is out of date and may contain incorrect information. I'm still glad that the only sunshine pack I ever opened gave me a cloud rider badge right when the pack was first introduced. <3 Gazer~
Did a TW this past weekend. Sorry, no, very few things 1 shot me, even in TW against players with "better" gear. I've taken an Arma from a 30k+ HP barb and only received 200 damge. It's all how you can play and use at your disposal. The same can be applied to a fox purging and amping. There are such things as charms, genie…
PK'd recently enough to stand by my comment. Generally, you kill the veno's pet, they turn tail. A veno can't 2-4 hit me, even with only +2 armor and completely ungemmed. Plus, you assume I meant PK when I left it open to interpretation. A veno that debuff is more valuable in TW than one that spams attacks. The same can be…
LOL, I completely missed the e-mail and was just shaking my head at the actual content. Truly horrible.
I seriously hope they didn't really think someone would fall for it- it sounds so unprofessional and not detached enough to be a legit notification.
Ahh, the phoenix- styled wings for wing elves make me want to be able to unbind my Ancient Gazers and trade them for those... b:surrender There's a lot of things that should already be released that were put off for anniversary pack madness. Some of the old fashion is STILL coming out (mafia and another were the last to…
Voted to keep. MOST people that hide behind the silhouettes were trolls, with a few exceptions. It just seems fitting to me.
Almost a one year necro. b:laugh
I would say a venomancer's true weakness is their player's inability to unlock their full potential. This includes, but is not limited to, relying on pets for DD (watch the venos flee in terror once you kill their nix in PK), mindlessly spamming attacks instead of debuffing, etc, etc. FYI: I eat a Platinum Spirit Charm in…
There's a set period of time before ANYONE can just go and pick up an item. They CAN mail the items. You CAN ask a friend you trust. Hey, if there's an item on the floor, I'm going to grab it and wait until "Unable to pick up" phase passes and grab it, or someone else beats me to it. Call me names? That's fine. I'll take…
This. If your sin is pure red: Bible- devil- stereotypical- fire-truck red, then that's from editing the files. TBH, I don't understand what the big deal is. You gain no advantage over another player to extend your character's customization through editing INI files. EDIT: If you see those people violating what is normal…
Quoted for truth. If you play the game for these reasons, the game stays fairly fun. Once you try to play with 'the big boys,' that's when you better have a +12 visa (minimum).
Agreed. The Devs should have tweaked the barbs' skills to generate more hatred once they are upgraded to level 11. Especially with, but no limited to, +12 weapons, gemmed weapons, rank weapons, warsoul, nirvana reforged (and even regular), even lunar... I kind of feel bad for the barbs that actually want to do what they…
Yeah... I've heard of others moving the bar and it going back to where it originally popped up. Mine sticks to where I put it until I sign into my other computer with a wider screen- then I have to stick it elsewhere and vice versa. Move it before it vanishes before those seconds are up? If the box vanishes while you're…
The same happens at the first turn- over (50/ 51) and was pointed out earlier on the forums.b:surrender At least they kept it consistent and not pick favorites. They, the Devs, not our GMs, screwed up once more.
What they said.
This one has the insight the others lack. (Not hating on APS though. <3 fast BH/ TT/ Nirvana/ everything else).
Effectively turning PWI into "Pay to play" as no one but said rank 10 users would survive said instance. I doubt an instance would be scaled so seeing as there is already rank 8/9 and no instance that challenges those gears. Heck, TT90 (normal) can do every instance, easily, with mediocre refines. What you're proposing is…
Nirvana is still fine. Only times I've run into problems with runs is when fail APS squads can't seem to kill the bosses faster than non APS squads that actually know their class. b:surrender I want my time back from that traumatic experience. b:cry
I'll probably quit soon. Playing the closed beta for Forsaken World, and I have to say, it's actually refreshing to run down slopes, hills, desert dunes, and the likes, without rubber- banding back into the air.
On the note of TT: PWI has 'hard mode' turned on. Chinese servers still have the easier version up (not sure; read as rumor). Since PWE changed ours, I doubt they will change it back any time soon. BHs: ... They are mostly from cultivation dungeons (FBs). Why would they make FBs easier? They already are the easiest…
Live support only ever worked once for me- when it was first introduced. Ever since then, I just get a ticketing message, even during business hours, making sure it's not a holiday, etc. I just use their ticketing system. I've usually been able to get a response back from an actual customer support rep within the same day…
Just no. The people that seem to cry out the loudest are the ones that suffer from the PLAYERS excluding __ class from Nirvana/ TT/ FCC/ Lunar. Do not blame the game, point your finger at the players. When all else fails, make your own squad. My friends grab me and take me to 3.33 APS- 5 APS runs. Yay, but big whoop. I go…
Verifying your files may be the only option. It will take time to do, though.
It might be random or just something put in entirely once high APS caught on without any mention. Last I did full warsong was back in January of last year. We did: 1. Pill quest. 2. Perfect defence (all pavilions were completely cleared w/ max points) 3. Fought Incacerate first, then the mini- bosses. Where we happened to…