Xiral - Harshlands Arc User


  • Is the damage increaes negated versus water mobs?
  • I have no problem with hailstorm and pitfall. Mabey crown of flame should give a chance to reduce attack/chanelling speed.
  • Sutra is just fine the way it is.
  • I once spoke about this in another game but I think it is applicable here. I understand the points everyone here is making. The reality is that in a free to play game funded by a cash shop, the two major players become 1. cash shoppers with lots of cash and 2. players who can spend lots of time online. Of course the…
  • Right now life as a wizard is down right hard. By comparison, my sin and bm made level 60-70 look like cake. So fought a similar level psyc last night and it was no contest. Just could not win. FOW does not last long enough and his skills burn through my magic defense like it did not exist. If I hit him I injure my self…
  • Funny I have a level 71 sin and I find it to be grossly overpowered. Beating higher level Barbs using a lvl56 mold weapon. Thats just not right. Taking out almost anything (I mean heck, I have slaughtered 9x arcanes ) in arcane armor also not right (stealth needs a nerf, I mean as long as you got mana pots or some form of…
  • That is one of those really smart answers that is technically correct but still wrong. Much like how the legal system makes a complete mockery of itself at times. So let me put it this way. We don't get the full extent of the seal. I don't care how it is lost or whatever it is due to, I would like to have the full extent…
  • Oh yes because in the open fields of harshlands pk someone is going to let you build up enough chi to sutra. As for the comment about me using mediocre gear and lacking skills hows about you find an equally well equipped bm/sin/arch/barb who is equally skilled and try to beat them. I for one have never been beat by any wiz…
  • Everything is a QQ. Get over it. People have a right to voice their OPINION. If its a QQ (so tired of hearing that bs line all the time) it my right to say if I find something problematic to me. The time for the effect of the skill is NOT correctly refected in the skill description. Question for you: Are you one of the…
  • On another note I am upset that the seal does not last as long as the skill description states. When you consider classes like assassins can stun/stun/seal why does FOW seal have to be so short. Also we get the worst class specific genie skills. Oh yeah sins and psych get none but I have no feelings for two classes that…
  • I have a level 60 pure wizard (I also have a 71 assassin and a 71 BM). The damage is great and the PvE experience is quite good. I can kill most mobs before they reach me and in instances I find the class to be very useful. PvP wise there is a huge imbalance between the classes at this level. In terms of PvP I would rank…
  • So far playing a wizard is challenging. I have a 71 bm and a 71 sin. It is not to say it is more challenging than playing a different class. Its just a different kind of challenge. As a wizard I have to pay far more attention to my surroundings and I have to react more quickly to situations as they occur.