gets my vote
looks like it there post are all gone lol
just LOL at this they was talking to Cable not you
SweetieBot whats do you think of The_blademas posts about his account
you can only get into NW off the main map you cant get into from morai anymore last time i went so no1 is in NW
How you doing bro? i have not talked to you in a bit i have been away from game
Hell no to role back i dont want my stuff to be gone again
As nice as it has been waiting with you all for the servers to be fixed i have just logged onto Arch server have fun keep trying and keep your heads up there getting there.
No this is more like to taunt people who can't log into the game with a probelms that they can't help you with or give any input on and cant see if it has happend to them we are not all stupid.
See now is this was even close to being true you would be onto support about this not asking people who cant get into the game or look at your accout to give you any help
I don't even know why they are useing Arc platform when there was a huge vote of no on this. We are the people that play and pay so if this is what they think is giving us what we want by giving us something we dont then i don't want to log in and see 4000 gold on my account thx.
You should know that the people who update us here and who let us know what is going are not the peole that are trying to fix this problem it is a different team of people who try to fix server problems to who deal with the updating and info give to us here on the site so yes we would like a site GM to update us on the…
it could be worse it could be x2 right now and we would be missing it or nation wars or even TW
jark im not talking about RogueXXX im talking about a different faction and we also dont have a post saying who can and cant get online
this is a number i have been given and when there is a faction off 186 and only 6 are online out of a normal 50ish and there is a post in there faction page with people who are saying they cant get on and the people that are in game talk to others its a guess but there are more un able to log in than can.
that being the case you have said all you need to know we know people are and can get on there is a very large number of people who cant
i have been told that about 70-75% of arch server plays are missing and not able to get in and same on the other servers to its only a very small number of people who can get in game.
lol im stuck in bed with a messed up leg so cant go out QQ lol
Some sort of update from the GMs on this problem would be nice im hearing some of my friends can log in and some still cant this is getting a bit stupid now pwi
WELCOME TO THE SPAM Cantabrum XDb:victory
Question for GlenRoss - Archosaur How is it then that i can log onto a server from 1 account then when i try 2nd account on the same server i cant get on just tried it now.
I have been able to log on to some servers from the start of all this still not been able to log into the same one.
If this was a small thing i would be ok but this is a huge thing not as you say a small thing having about 75% of your population out of game is not a small thing and the people that update us here are not the people that are trying to fix the problem so a bit more comunication from them to us here would be a nice thing.
all the servers use the same program to log in so how is it i can log on to some and not others when there all running from the same launcher?
i can log onto some servers i dont even play on but where my sin is i cant log on why there has to be more to it that i can log some servers but not others. Also my profile needs to update my sins 103 close to 104 not 102 lol
[QUOTE=synchroze;19728171]We're not ignoring our players. In fact we're gathering information and feedback from the community. I plan to share any answers or updates I get from our development team but for now the only information I currently have is information addressed in the FAQ. We are currently in the early…
Yes removing hyper use in fc may romove a lot of noobs from the game but look at it from a wider point of view Remove fc means sins cant sell them for coin this then means more sins will be running TT for drops this in turn will drive down the price of tt gold mats in turn will rip the market out of them like it did raps…