Xempt - Lost City Arc User


  • At that low of a level, the best defense for a Psychic is their fast magic attacks along with Black Voodoo. You should be killing all mobs before they even hit you with your Aqua Impact/Spirt Blast combos. You should be a pure magic build (9 magic, 1 strength every 2 levels) until around level 40. At that point, start…
  • You think that's bad... you haven't seen the people who are lying dead in the same spot for 5 days b:surrender
  • T'was such a fun game back in the old days.
  • Here's mine: http://i47.tinypic.com/2qwo83n.png
  • Well I was referring to 1v1 ANY mob... even ranged mobs have to get closer to you to attack, well most of them anyway. Usually psychics can kill them before they even get a chance to channel. I am all for adding vit to your build though as I am a hybrid arcane/vit build, so I do agree. As I stated before, Black Voodoo will…
  • If you're focusing on PVE, then you obviously don't need the vit because you'll kill everything before it gets to you. However, for PVP... it makes sense to add a lot of vit so that you can focus on physical defense shards in your gear and have a lot of HP at the same time. If you buff yourself with Black Voodoo, you'll…