LOL i would say even EA has more reliable servers. Didnt think it was possible
Don't forget, honorable mention to Behedety and Antonyo's classic "i baeg in ur mather" phrase that makes me lol every time.
b:chuckle epic
Nurfed has a pet dog. Xulin had a pet dog. I think it became dinner on Tuesday night. Xulin > Nurfed in terms of asianess
holla.. i miss those good old days in GG, long **** tw, camping low levels for hours on end, drunk pk... hell one of the lowbies i camped for 2 hours ended up being my girlfriend b:laugh nowadays it's all server politics, i honestly couldn't less
i switch between fists and axes for my stunlock and maximum DD in between stuns... don't really know anything about self buffs with fist skills. cyclone heel boosts your attack speed, but it doesn't stack with demon spark anyways, so i just use it when i need to gain some chi.
b:cute good. damn fishes are too OP anyways..
b:shocked oh noes, maybe i should go camp some lowbies now and SS my uber pwnage damage log and we should compare b:kiss p.s go find a level 100 archer, deal the same damage without using genie, and we'll have a nice chat. p.p.s weren't you that little kid that raged quit our server because peee kayy got too hard for you?…
sold! b:cute lots of love from Xelthion and StretchIt <33 b:kiss Come to our wedding sometime this week :D
of course! when he crashed, i was farming lowbies at public quest, can't do that without hypers.
don't worry about it guys. KD pay is being put to good use. b:bye
bro, i think everyone's KDR went down after those damn sins came out.
that was implemented after you had like 9000 or so kills.
you mean you can't 2 hit someone with like 1.4k hp and 500 pdef? fail sin is fail.
Vongola just has a ****load of sins. i was standing in a seemingly empty silver pool when 8 sins including NinjaIchi and Deity blew through my charm, so fast it ticked 4 times and i dropped 13 dolls. i could sort of imagine them pulling off what seems like a noshow tw and then popping up in dozens..b:shocked
i think it's a 20 level difference, not 30.. but not sure.
loll 2 month break and i'm still in top 50 ^_^ and 5.0 KDR lmao even after the insane ejoke ganks in secret passage... btw i don't camp lowbies, i farm them b:surrender
I'm not carebear enough to join KD, otherwise i would have just as many victories as you. b:kiss
bro, change your fail signature. pretty sure you have more defeats popping up than victories these days. b:pleased
loll i still find it extremely hard to tank Jewels and Crim-Eyes >_< magic bosses ftl b:cry
**** IS NOT CAREBEAR BUT IS TEH CS-ER. stop ticking my in game monies bought charm. b:surrender
Tip: how about you just get your gen summer dagger, run up to a mob in stealth, spark and swing away with bloodsuck up? the 2 seconds you spend in stealth will barely use any mp.. ijs
a girl playing a man fishy, that's new b:surrender
liar! you P2P!!!! I remember your name popping up at least 3 times when the GM announces marriages lol
We all know me and my honey are gonna win this b:bye
b:laugh finally made top 50 pk list b:thanks
b:shocked when? i don't remember that b:cry but i'll take that as a compliment considering it sounded like a 3 v 1 attempt and i didn't cling to SZ like a carebear b:thanks
you forgot pole, and when i was level 6x i never had enough spirit. barely had 2 weapon paths figured out. Please tell me your secret on where you get this abudant amount of spirit to keep all your weapons mastery and skills updated. b:shocked
Ligeria, always the voice of reason and logic on HL b:kiss
level 160, with 967 magic points lmao if i had 967 str i would crit for 102340234235235 b:laugh