Are you
Beside the fact that my post stands for it's own and has nothing to do with my level - I may be a level 81 wizard on lost city because I rerolled another char for farming, but I have a lot of experience as a wizard. It is also in my Lost City wizards sig, you could have read it before posting. ;)
@Borsuc: You are-completely missing the point. +10 weapon = 1 equip part. +10 armor = like 5 or more equip parts. Take the money you have to pay for four times more +10 and invest it in additional offensive potential. There you go. Just because you think we all are stupid doesn't mean we are.
Bleh, yea I am a terrible player, I confess. On a serious note: I know pretty good what I am doing and AOE wise i got nice dps, like every mage that knows what to do. I got everything relevant for frost, all my sage ults, sage chi skill ofc, cloud eruption on genie etc. But if you start comparing wizards with fist wielding…
@Nakhimov: I do instances, even frost without wearfoxes all the time, so no, lending hand is not "essential" for a squad. It does, however, make runs faster, more efficient. I didn't see her deny this or calling the skill useless. Neither did she say she didn't learn or use it. I for my part do like venos using Parasitic…
I wonder what reason this might have... Maybe it is her being accused with the same stuff all the time while people don't even bother to bring up arguments. Yes people did the math and said it is only a bit experience saved, yes people brought up that the squad might have felt insulted. But no one said anything with any…
I love how people make themselselves look dumb by posting such arrogant, absolute judgements lol. Did you ever run an instance with her? Bleh, this forum is getting more and more ridiculous.. People are bored of the actual game I suppose.
Yea... And I do agree that it is the cleric's job to get up _sometimes_, when a situation was inevitable. But that shouldn't happen often. Not often enough that the exp loss or the expenses for guardian scrolls exceed the expenses of other classes dramatically. If the squad screws up repeatedly they should compensate. I…
Still an interesting discussion, altho off topic. Sure there are DDs that step aside, but that makes them fail completely at their role. And yes you can quote me there every time a DD let's you die when he could have taken aggro off you. People are unwilling to die because they do not like the "you are dead" window. Maybe…
Part of the reason I take aggro from the cleric in a bad situation is the fact that I know I will not lose exp if I die, but the cleric will. So I would protect the cleric even if it was clearly his fault that he aggroed mobs, because his situation in the case of a death is far worse than mine. Sure, I would still keep a…
Did I get this right: You say it is the pure selflessness and mercy of a cleric to res people with a high level res? And because I state that I don't find the clerics role more special than the role of the other squad members you feel offended? And you would prefer to keep your res at lvl 1 to show all those nasty people…
That is exactly the opinion I described. "Beggers can't be choosers"? I refuse to see myself as a beggar when I die in the squad. I do not make other people beg me to DD or to tank or whatever, so why should I beg for a res? It is a clerics ******n job. My point is, the 97 cleric would have come anyway to help out with the…
You are a bit stupid, aren't you? Till today I didn't know that you don't need to relog for a new res. People told me that you need to relog for a new res when I was a lowbie and I never questioned it. After all it is not a situation that happens very often. Starting with the "Oracle noob stuff" at this point is just…
It is kinda annoying how everyone has that "If a cleric did something, it is always a completely selfless act that may not be questioned" reflex. A res is something that doesn't make a lot of trouble for a cleric, if he is nearby or coming anyway. In my opinion it is common sense that the higher level character buffs and…
@Egaenil: Try getting them on Lost City. CoA is completely in the hands of the big factions (Essence, Spectral, Kamisama (?)) and it is almost impossible to get those signs if you are not a member and join their runs. They don't sell the stuff either. I asked several people from the factions I know and it was always the…
You need seven different Signs. For one Sign you need 10 Badges. The Signs Are: - Dexterity: Cube Reward - Bravery: Earlier: Anniversary Packs, Now: Best Luck Tokens - Speed: Daily Race - Endurance: Dragon Temple Event - Wisdom: Made from Copper Dragon Orders (5 per Badge, 50 total) - Strength: City Of Abominations -…
I never understood why people from PVP servers were saying that it was a waste to get great gear on a PVE server. After I reached high level I realized. Sure I got good gear, I TW, I pvped at OT and stuff. But after a while it got really, really boring - Just like all the stuff you could do in PVE. So I rerolled on Lost…
Gratz on Warsoul :O But still... PVE Server? :S Not on a wizard? >< Well, her money I guess.. So up to her how to waste it.
WTF, they nerfed the interval? -.- What did I gather the rep for... Oh well, time to save up on rapture crystals for the Nirvana 0.1 int Daggers... At least I can use the rank6 chest piece.
If you can reach 5k+ hp at 90+ with base vit, the additional mag makes sense in my opinion. If not, I'd go with 50 base vit. Offtopic: O.O someone got my name with a Luner in front of it. b:shocked
And let me add that channeling only makes sense if you stack a lot of it. Going for crit, magic, hp and pdef is more worth it. I would rather use a good 3* Protection Necklace or something like Nature's Breath. As a belt, get the Imperial Edict Belt (Reward from the token of seven quest). As rings you can use the school…
I find good pole bms rather hard to fight. The ranged attacks and the nasty damage (especially when using a high refined lunar poleblade with zerk) can be pretty devasting.
But it is just stupid and only an argument a melee class could come up with. Why should I just stand there and let myself be stunlocked if my biggest advantage and only way to survive is range? Be it archer or wizard. Of course I will do everything possible to survive instead of letting myself be killed to feed some bms…
ok, now compare digging herbs to soloing/duoing with a cleric HH 3-2 and 3-3 faster than a non-interval squad and selling the mats. b:bye
It is not about the strength in pvp. I can kill every other class equally geared on my wiz (yes, charmed barbs as well, it just takes a while most of the time). Point is, wizards have no way of making money ingame. If you cash shop a lot, of course you do not have to care if you play a wiz or bm. But if you don't, you can…
Sad but true.. Although I wouldn't say stupid, but unlucky. There are reasons I play a sin on Lost City. Although I miss playing a wizard a lot.
If that is teh truth, I lol at the balance between melee and magic classes. Magic classes got screwed up like hell ><
Rofl... Don't bother with BMs that QQ because you fly. Ask them if you should just stand there and do nothing next time to feed their ego. I can understand why you won't use genies in duels altho I would recommend it. But flying is fully legitimate.
Is you shrink maxed? Because usually you can just run, shrink away, keep running, fow, run on and then shrink again. I hope you do not start the duel standing right next to the bm. You can also try to shrink away/seal and fly when he uses his anti stun. In the air you got a speed advanatage because shrink works while…
Well, since you get the same interval boost from the lvl6 tome you can easily invest thesaved up 100M in more refines/shards then. I don't see there will be lots of people paying that much.