Lol i dont like it xD
IT IS A BEAVER!!!! not a bear b:shocked Look at his name... beaver so i looks more like an beaver than a bear haha
I post here my 3 characters, yeah they are noob cuz I play this game not that long. I want to hear from you what you think about them :P Here I stuck at the wall but I came out after 1 minut
nice :333333
The beaver got a handicapted arm xD
VERY NICEEEE and the background omg :o you was lucky
Not that good but it was my first ss.
Press print sreen next to F12 Then go to your deskop, press start --> find and then typ perfect world in all maps. You see perfect world map and click on it-->elements-->screenshots. Copy your screenshot to your documents and go to, imageshack, tinypic or photobucket (you have more sites) to upload it and get your code,…
Lol meditate and if u got a high lvl i think it could be long b:sad But why you save that much money if you only buy equip b:chuckle Hmm i pick up a lot and i use the pots that i get from monsters, ty for the guide may I use it