Ummm Don't choose between Fist or Axe......use them both...... Axe for AoEing and HF.......Fist for DPS and just killing sht really fast.
I have no problem paying for things. I mean my coin money I earn is enough for me. DQ drops do wonders sold at NPC. I rarely get Zen or Gold......why pay for something you can get for free? XD
Yes we'll be glad to help. ^_^
18 gaming since 4 on the SNES. Hmmm.........Personally I don't think age matters when it comes to gaming. Anyone can have fun ^_^
I'm gonna try it, I mean I'll still use Heaven's Tear XD
Yes I hope they do, those charms saved my life alot XD.
I Could help, fb19's are pretty easy for me by now ^_^