It sounds like pwi was awesome back then, I made an assassin because to me an assassin is suppose to be sexy, mysterious, and deadly. I didn't know it would be such a darn hassle to play the game if you didnt have good gear, or good weapons. All I hear is what I 'HAVE' to get and what I 'HAVE' to do. The prices are insane…
well at least someone knows what we are going through and thank you for the encouragement :3 I do hope to be a great sin at level 100, and I also see your point for the higher lvls. I will keep my head up and keep swimming till then :D
yes but what about all of the people who cant afford the 500k packs everyone is selling, or afford to buy gold? To be honest I wish the game had nothing but ways for you to earn your stuff instead of greedy high lvls buying everything that own like half the game. It seems pwi was built for rich people and us common middle…