I get it now xD ty everyone
meaning if i had white 61lp genie it would b the white genie right then change in between the fairy/demon genie? ;O
k so....on fairy there are only 3? o.O isnt there 4 genies D: i mean i got the 4 genies lvl 61+ etc but the fairies got me >.> someone explain what one is which? xD oh so even if i got say zeal genie if i go sage he'll change from the 61+lp one to one of the left ones? and if i go demon he will change to right side?
:/ so I gotta buy something with gold to give my seeker the thing? u cant capture it with a veno in primal?next to that pet lady
ty so at the 1st play through is it worth trying to get to level 105? like w/o rb or will that take 10 times longer? like rb at 1st lvl 100 then do 105 2nd time through and etc :o
ya doing the culti quests till I get to harmony atm...just got done in orchid temple and got back to elder in arch so will do more tomorrow but when I get the harmony will I b able to go to general and get the tab even tho I alrdy have the fb29 quest?
hm k I got wolf emblem lvl 4 I think and bloodpaint still to low of level but put 1 point into the 1st 2 skills are there any other ones I should level 1st over the others? like the cat-like one the guide said max that if u pvp but I probably wont pvp? so what do u think to would like to see what u think to
:( well I will just do more of the spiritual culti quests..and hope general will change hismind and gimee my tab :(
I am level 29? when I got my fb29 with my cleric I was like lvl 33 and I got my tab fine when I talked to elder then talked to general and he gave tab D:
idk :( I never got to fight a big octopus :/ but now I just turned lvl 29 I didn't get a pop up window but I got quingzi but I got no tab for quest?
so all these skills I have to wait a while to buy? im lvl 28 alrdy and the skills here I cant buy yet >< so I buy any other skills like just one of them to get others or what
um....I cannot find any of the lvl 19 quests in my thing even like in the new quests...
ty so the 2 beginning skills aren't needed?the one u start with and the other one like..puncture or something
O.O really? i got a really high luck point genie on my 67 barb but thats on heavens tear :( wish it was on dreamweaver lol would help out alot...could have a few mill maybe xD but ya i will do 2vit/3mag anything else im missing? just read guide again and seems the skills are kinda for pvp.... what are pve skills i'd need…
so....105 str and will go 1str/4dex i guess o.o zeal genie only magic and vitality....for that 2vit/3mag? and what u mean 1st? o.o i will have more D: thx guys
hm k :o and if I do str and vit what do I stop at? like what do put in those 20-30 vit I think it said in maybe 25..what bout str for daggers? and how bout genie? what one is best :x
ty :D will try a assassin 1st since he sounds cool as hell :D
so out of... bm assassin seeker bm and assassin are best? bm seems confusing to me...idk.. whats difference between seeker and assassin they seem just alike... and I seen a few guides and with the stats I kinda like the seeker cuz u can go str/dex/vit instead of just doing the same old 2 stat all game long..idk :(
well hope u guys can help :(
ya ya..I will play my cleric I just want something to farm with :( unless I did something wrong...I tried to farm with him lastnight and I watched him and he ran out of mana...and like he couldn't attack anything so I just had to shut pw off v.v and maybe help doing fb's and stuff
no...i thought cleric would b fun but then someone went on when they were helping me in fb bout how boring it is to b a cleric :( always having to do this and that and blah blah i really am not trolling i will still play cleric :P but ya...
so orange genie is good guys? what skills? and where stats go?
so y don't u just copy and paste it out of there and put it here? I made this thread so I didn't have to look at 100 other threads...plz @madijon I posted wizard cuz my friend made one then she made a veno and then I made one there.. i am sticking with my cleric those threads were for her cuz she don't want to use the site…
this plz :(
1 more question how much str do I need? like when I do stop putting it in? oh and what is best genie? like what color :o and where do there stats go? and what are best skills
well im just simply saying is ppl come to these threads just to trash it... they don't need to look at this thread at all but they choose to and that's not my problem.. I thought this forum was for people who needed help not to get there threads **** on :/
1. Half these threads r pvp 2. Sorry if i don't wanna go through 10 post to find 2 easy answers 3. Don't post if ur gonna complain
ty! :D
what is the other part of the map? o.o that the other person said? or is that just the right island?