Or just for a **** pvper that overuse's there gienie :L
I think he has every class 100+ and i admire that he does that i would like to do that my self and farm gear like he has but 105 i wouldent even want to get to 105 :/ you could level anther like 3 level 100s so you could have Demon/Sage.
im not jealous rofl . i just dont see the point of hypering to 105 .. you dont win anything Oo its just a waste of time
thats just a name rofl , i dont even play this game anymore... b:chuckle i played this game for about 6 months i rarely come get on to pvp , 105 is just stupid what do you benifit "Oh wow 25 more points :D yay i can hit 200 more dmg :/ ... Kitamura has been playing since this crappy game started thats like 3 years ago and…
he already has +12 Nv from level 100 >.< Kitamura has like 10 chars over 100 + his sin .. it just shows how sad people are and that they are ADDICTED , like all his char's have nv gears full set >.< Kitamura GET A LIFE
1 Gold = 1$ irl or around 550k in game depending what server your on Can buy gold in bunches of 10-50 online or in the Auction House what is in Every Big City ( Arch , Lost city , EitherBlade and many more .. if you are buying from the AH ( Auction House) you wiill have to pay a price of each gold like 10k of each…
Neverdie is PrinceClare on that game b:chuckleb:beatup
welcome to a world of charm **** b:chuckle
b:chuckle you dont lose exp when you get pked by players , only when you die by mob .. and yes essence is always doing them "Gank Fest's" you Talk off .. cleric is one of the best classes for pvp , you can shell and high dmg if when is refined enough :)
Tc- Wheres my money b:cute Dubstep
b:chuckle mhhm no xD ive qiut this time , i uninstalled the game aswell so b:bye good luck in the future everyone
b:bye C ya laters Mak Chu funny :D PEACE !b:victory
*Gives Hamster Bicarbernate Soda Powder* Sits back and watches him blow up b:chuckle
its under maintenance in 1-2 hours you will be able to log back in again :)
- More int-
Im hawt O.O
love you 2 , your the hamster im the dog b:laughb:victory
Yea i was just Showing something that a Non Cashshoper can afford b:victory ofc if you can afford then get Lunar helm :) happy haha b:laugh
b:victory Thanks so much Forsaken X just how a Visualized it ^^ Tyvm
ADROIT I HATE YOU b:angryb:cry
- b:cute
This is my barb so i wans thinking just trade Via the Account stash b:victory
b:victory thanks i think im going to go with this biuld but +8 the wep ...
how about or
Whats with the oht o.o , and yes ... +10 every wepon i get b:victory Thats good ofc.
oh all good , i thort you qiut b:crb:sad so i was like NUUU Forsakenx come back b:cute
b:chuckle i was here when they took this pic :O i was like 7x b:cute
b:cry Been a month i been waiting for a siggy b:sad
b:bye 20$ on Mag Deleteing Skull from Freinds list b:cry skull you still havent lost it man :(