XThermonX - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • But then as u started if u cant prove or disapprove of it doesnt that mean that the gm are just guessing. Meaning that they are unjustly banning ppl?
  • well thank your for your comments Crazy. I completly understand where u are coming from. But if a faction is paid of by the bigger faction wouldnt this be detecable by the gm if they did a bit of research. This is something that can affect and destroy factions.
  • Well first off for ppl reference these are the quoted rules We are just trying to understand what fake bidding is. To me it seem like is u dont have 180,000,000 refund your not meant to attack. Well how i c it, is any service on the game that is unrestriced anyone should be able to participate. There nothing saying that tw…
  • have u actual read the quoted rules that u break for fake bidding they actual apply that you are hacking the server. We are just trying to full understand the term fake bidding.
  • Well i dont want to make any improper comments for example. Say a faction called 1 is accused of having alts from a large faction called 2. And that faction 2 has a large amount of battles that week ie 3 +. And faction 1 bids on faction 2 also aint they therefore weaking factions 2 ability to defend there land. Wouldnt…
  • The only point im trying to make is that tw is an unrestricted event. Anybody is allowed to complete. Yes a faction full of lvl 1 wonts put up much of a fight. But they will have as much fun in there as anyone else. These bigger factions takes "TW seriously" and we dont intented to get in there way. Heatwave has a plan for…
  • Thank you for your input. But we dont only fight Caesar we have also taken on enrage. If u note we cant affect the tw as we are always the first ppl to bid each week i make sure of this. I sit on waiting to make our bid before any other faction makes a choice. This means they are actual choosing to use us for there…
  • Um if we were messing it up which i cant c we have been. We have outlast a large amout of the other factions IE sonic. They have been bidding as long as us. Actual we have been around longer then them. Maybe its becoz we actual put up a fight and last longer then 5 mins. Yeah we last like 25 mins last week and were on the…
  • I myself have also worked in the domain name industry and have been forced to make these choice to shut off ppl. First you must have proof of why u are terminating the user, and also should notify the person of this happening. Its seems to me that the emails were sent to everyone other then my account. I would just like to…
  • Um it means our faction goes leaderless for 1 week seeming they banned me and the leader of the faction. This also stop us from bidding in next weeks TW. Which there for will affect the factions membership. As the faction was built around Offering TW to our players. There needs to be justification to there actions. They…
  • This post will stay up until i do get an answer not phased what happens. There should be some after hour support. To me thats like ow we will ban them then go home for the day. Who cares that we are affecting Paying Customers. Yes most fridays our time we buy our gold also. This is unjust and before accusing a faction of…
  • Well the gm managed to ban us up to 1 hour before the time frame started. So they couldnt have gone far. If this wish to operate and support and global online game they need to support all markets. We should not be force to wait 3 - 5 days for a response. As this effect two factions TW this weekend.
  • Well the forums rules can go up to hell, if the gms wont contact me this is the only way to get to them maybe the might actual read this. They have not responde to my emails or my attempts to get them in game. And there is no current live chat service.