XLysander - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Yes its an attempt but it's hitting the wrong people. PW database prices shabbys at 500 coins, so they must have changed at some point. I never noticed that though...at my lvl CS reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy isn't worth the money... EDIT: My lvl being 9x, posted on the wrong toon -.-
  • *pokes darth* Psytrac's solution is a good temporary one but is there any official fix for the problem? Btw thanks psy ^^
  • *holds in some rage so thread isnt locked* Can't believe those bums are now actively trying to make us poorer...wasn't it enough that they already raised gold prices through the roof with all their crappy sales? If anything DQ prices should be *raised* to balance the economy.
  • Firefox is my main browser, so I'll post info for that. Firefox version is 3.6.3, I have the latest version of flash (, and I just updated java to the latest version but it made no difference. When I get to the ticketing screen I can select my game from the dropdown list, and the submission type, but it will not…
  • Bleh why'd this get moved to general...I don't want to start a discussion on it I want actual results from GMs >.> This is after all just a replacement for the broken ticketing system...
  • Can't, 10 hour timer. What psytrac and father ted said is right...I searched the forum and the only people that say it's only bannable on a PvP server are players, a GM or even a mod never says it.