and i thought MY spelling was bad.
you bored shelly? ill preform some necromancy to keep you busy if you like.
ive never had a problem with them. in fact my love up and down tome was 100% free with zen earned from the offers page. ive spent maybe 20 bucks on the game for things you could only get by charging but other than that my stuff has been bought with mostly zen from the offers page when i wasn't in the mood to sell fc for…
i dont even....
well at least we know the game is going to be around for 34 years.
yes. fix the bugs. and a lvl limit for FC has been suggested sense the first person soloed it.
twas a fine quest. i always take my time and read through a quest chain my first time doing it.
so just the two of us?
check check. and dont worry frankie. we all (by we all i mean those of us who can think past instant gratification) understand you're busy whit more important things.
im excited for it. all this talk about pve balance makes me want to regear my barb and start tanking like a boss again. or.... like tanking a boss again.... or boss tanking a like again... something like that.
Orbital Friendship Cannon Operator because i stamp out hate with condensed ionized rainbow beams.... from space!
the credits scroll up, "you're gonna carry that weight..." vanishes from the screen and just like that... its over. it was a good run and you new that cowboy bebop couldnt last forever; nothing ever does. but show after show you stuck with it. even with school behind you and you had your hands full juggling work with a…
yall necros nercoin in a necros necro.
i'm gonna cry. that was beautiful.
id like to see this too. but unfortunetly it wont happen. b:bye
allllll of this can beavoided if you just play and surf behind a proxy. such as wtfast and tor.
i personaly like duke. lets me know whats possibly on the market without having to spam teles. but i agree. there should be a duke filter.
voted for short story. ive had an idea for a story rattling around in my head now for a wile that would perfect for my sin as the main char.
1. no one asked you. 2. i dont care how many other threads there are about this. this is about my own personal experience. 3. see number 2. 4. excuse me for working 3rd shift and thinking today was monday. i didn't ask you in the first place so what you told me dosnt mater because i wasn't seeking an answer from some know…
that's actually a really good idea. there was another mmo i used to play. a fps. you could opt to have a vote to kick a member from the round if you thought he was hacking or spamming BS or what not. was kind of cool.
awww..... to bad i've sent in one for each of the five i've seen spam. and right click report hacking. ectectect. i wasn't asking you anyway. i'm waiting on a reply from frankie. :D but thanks for the sarcastic advice.
Necromancy. umad shelly? b:sin
what wont you people **** and moan about?
well this clears up everything.
you need a base of 3.33 to perma spark. you cant perma spark with a base of 2.86. even if it sparks into 4.00. i know this because im a 2.86 base that sparks into 4.00. its ALMOST perma but not quite.
i was just going to ignore this reply to my trolling. then i read "its not about playing the way you want". its not? so i absolutely HAVE to play my seeker according to some guide on here? nah... i think ill play it the way i want. if i want to put metal shads in a r8 sword im gonna. if i want to shard my assassin with…