yah its called getting a physic or any other mag class ta help u lolb:laughb:laugh
Psychics heals is a close ranged squad iron heart that heals quicker than morning dew the time u cast 2 dew's u get like 4 bubble of lifes including cool down etc. But if u wanna clerafy the psychic is a mage with buffs that help the mage out
The hubbys r the ones that activate and talk 2 most of the marriage quest so if your husband didnt do that then thats why u cant go further on in the quest
the sprite in the bushes is near the palace of kurt cobain's entranceb:laugh
Since most of the molds are gonna be directed at the t.born class since we lack weps like the other classes we need all the help we can get. if any u guys from sanc pm me 4 help and or info u may need. P.S i love helping with fbs bosses etc so dont be shy 2 send invite
Dq is great if u looking 4 cheap exp at later lvs. Plus dq20 is a good suplament 4 fq since no1 does them as much. But at later lvs i'd stop cause u can do crazy stones world quest bounty hunter marriage quest justice quest etc. Dq drops give money if u sell them.
Ksing u can never stop most people are annoyed by this but u cant change the characteristic of the player just cause hes supposely ks'ing just something iv learned not 2 go near groups of peeps when doing quest.
aqua cannon implodes on impact and looks sweet when doing it and sand burst is an aoe 2 its like sandstorm times how many mobs it hitsb:laugh I belive theres an Aoe 4 the psy's that r like bb and db.
r u guys also 4getting that the sin/psy sage demon books arnt out yet and sage black ice dragon is the 2nd highest hitting skill in the game so untill the sage demon books come of 4 the t.borns then wizzard's r the keepers even though i droped mine 4 my psy. O and if it takes 4 venos 2 hold my lv10 db on EvoultionX then…
I run EvoultionX which is my lv86 wizardb:thanks and my physic XEnchantorX and notice that if the 2 classes mage/physic were 2 be one unit destrution is near in terms of what both bring 2 the table. And if im not mistake what would sutra and if possible tide spirt do 2 a mage if u can stack them. Any question on that i…
I think i can anwser that ? its 15 coal 15 rough lumber 15 gravel and 15 high carbon steel 2 make the mold. But if im off on some u could try looking at the legendary wep forger near general summer in s.arch