We knew this.
1: Who said I cash shopped a R9 sin? I may charge from time to time, but I've never charged enough for that. 2: I have a BM, Seeker and barb all on the account. 3: R9, for a cata barb, unnecessary. It's a difference of 12 defense lvl and ~1000 HP at +10 at , about, four times the cost.
On Lost City there are more R9's than any other server. Good idea in theory but poor in practice, the other servers would get slaughtered and the whole idea would get immediately canned. I wish I could still say it's the skill of the players that matter but when 90% of one side is in HH99/ Nirvana and the other side is…
Okay, anyone want to get the umadbro in now? Because I am, I feel like you two are a couple of butt hurt, mentally challenged, forum warriors. I CLEARLY said seven pieces of second cast, lets count: 1 Cascade Glow Helmet 2 Cascade Glow Armor 3 Cascade Glow Greaves 4 Cascade Glow Boots 5 Cascade Glow Sleeves 6 Cascade Glow…
Are you that ****ing stupid? Read the first line and think about it. SEVEN PIECES OF SECOND CAST, there are SIX PIECES OF ARMOR. Good work calling me a liar and quoting exactly what I told you I said. I wouldn't really call it major help, so much as having friends who actually help each other selflessly, but call it what…
I didn't say I got my axes in a day, read it carefully; I got SEVEN pieces of second cast in 2 weeks, so unless there's a mystical seventh piece of armor I've never heard of, that means 6 armor pieces and one set of axes. Regardless, this game of trying to discredit me is wildly off topic. Edit: My sin is sage, 3.33APS…
Re-watched, just for you. <3 Morai 80 skill, used twice: 1:01, 3:52 Bestial Rage, used a staggering 7 times!: 1:10, 2:03, 2:19, 2:39, 2:56, 3:43, 4:21 Clean Sweep, used twice: 1:30, 1:55 I'll be honest, I watched it a day ago, so I didn't remember every small detail of the fight. Still, 100% unimpressed. His only…
Sure, he used the Morai skill once and ran away after grounding Curses when he could have used Ancestral Rage to movelock him for 8seconds and close the gap. Dunno what cultivation he is, but if he's demon, he could run up and Occult Ice to chain movement debuffs, use Bestial Onslaught for 50% crit/ reduce chance to evade…
Really? From what I saw, it looked like a R9 barb, that doesn't know how to play a barb, kiting an archer who was purging him before setting up to metal mage. My guess would be this is a case of a loud mouth barb claiming Curses can't kill him without help and that you people defending him don't like him, just dislike…
Icon - Best guild fund embezzler. His only real feat was robbing Kingdom blind then quitting again. His PvP tactic when fighting me, even though he was almost 20 levels higher, was send the nix in and boost away. Wasn't impressed with Captain Mana Bow before and he was a worse veno than archer. UrDian - Never heard of it.…
/sigh The reason people are pissed off is far removed from the rank. Most of your end game players, who are wearing full Nirvana, are shrugging off the rank 8. Since it's well known most players aren't able to farm Nirvana since all anyone wants is 5.0 APS. This means TW will be more balanced as more wizards, archers and…
They're chilling out in their office trying to figure out how to damage control this one. However, dev response time, based on instances from the past, will make the effort moot. So really they're just wasting our time.
What's your nabz name? ;O
I have 5 in my bank, want one?
Nurfed played more of a figure head role. I heard LongKnife was the grand architect.
She's partly right, except it's not Zulu's fault, just yours.
Does posting the wall of text WaltertheOneshot sent me after I oneshot him in tiger form count as history? >;\
Preeeetty much.
InB4 Trolled.
Mighty Swing is 100% accuracy now too.
My response didn't have anything to do with power leveling... My archer was 60-70 for a grand total of 8 days and I was in HH most of that week. Your bracers are the difference between .83 attacks per second and .93, virtually unnoticeable. At the cost of almost 30 extra, from base stat to use lvl 60 gear, they aren't…
Hai Fox. ;3
3* Forest is easily farmed in OHT, like 400 eyes ore something like that. What you're talking about are the G13's which are like 15000 eye's OR 40 Best Luck tokens.
Umm, 60-70 won't take long and once you get your XS you can basically 3-4 shot mobs as a vit build. So, unless you already have the bracers (Assuming you do) and have the dex required to wear them, I wouldn't waste the time. Side note: If you're not going claws then you should cap dex at 55. 55 dex is enough to (after…
Pfft. I used to pull my whole guild out for PvP. However, that still ended as 6 of us vs 12+ Kingdom/ Crimson. Was good times. I think people have gotten to a point where they think the only way to win is to gank. Since the advent of Frost people getting to 101 is the norm and getting HH99 and Nirvana gear is reasonably…
Dropping with a white name is actually .1% chance, rofl. That guy musta been pissed. ;3
The most important thing I learned from RageQuit: PvE to PvP. Excel at the first and shine in the later.
That's what good guilds do, they stand by each other. So, if they call 10 more, why don't you call 10 more? That's how you win. Figure out your class: Learn what skills work best in what scenario. Gear yourself up: Standing in arch all day every day and wondering why people beat you is noob. Join a good guild: If you call…
Right around the time you stop complaining, about cash shoppers and people in the top faction, and realize with a little work you can take them down e-z. Well over 50% of the players in the game are still in the noob section wondering why sins **** their class and raging because Zulu has more than one member.