Wolfyyy - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Then you guys haven't done runs with the sins from RT server. Not cool to underestimate the power of Demon Rib Strike, Demon Focused Mind, Blood Paint and a trusty little Magic Genie with Earthquake skill. You got the boss's attack speed greatly reduced there, and at the same time, interrupt magic attacks with earthquake.…
  • PWI Devs :- 1) Money Minded. 2) Horrible at weighting the pros and cons of updates. Or maybe, player's welfare don't really matter as long as the devs made sure PWI doesn't end up like MY/CN server. 3) " GTFO we don't care about you players suggestions but we know you're addicted with spamming packs. As long as you guys…
  • And We don't have a problem with them either. If the issue with them is so big, we'd have known.
  • Doesn't matter. I already highlighted " needn't be strong ". The got rejected because they were weak? We don't look for that. They are a great bunch of people. And the fact that there are here, they will be made to feel home.
  • There are a few black sheeps for sure. But I'm very confident that our rather strict application process pretty much screened through and rejected heaps of people before even if there were 90ish-100 if they are potential leechers. The Couri incident was an unfortunate one, but it may seem more like a blessing in disguise…
  • If you're talking about Ego, I'm not sure who has more of it down here. Coming from a guild that comes under all sorts of criticism regardless of what they do, venting a little anger against a specific group of people ( not entire QQme ) that fumes us for the past months is also an offense. Side stepping, I hate players (…
  • You have no idea how OP is tackling slash with +2 Range is. It gives you an advantage over any immoblised targets, esp a sin as an opponent. It renders you helpless on the spot while you get trashed by the range advantage ( like a 9 seconds stun of sort ) . Since Shadow Jump is still bugged with the rubber band effect, you…
  • I think this Demon VS Sage Sin discussion has been going on for like ages. I've tried PvPing and PvEing much and this is what I can conclude :- 1) Everyone is too into working out their theories, they don't realise that, as much as they sound feasible, its not quite the way when you're doing it on actual situation. Lets…
  • You only use Headhunt when the BM isnt using his anti-stun skill. Make use of Throat-Cut and Deep Sting instead. You just need one of these skills to succeed and your lock combo will be able to set in. Skills from genie you can consider will be AD or Bramble Rage. Better still, if your sin has interval gears, you can…
  • Not more than 2 seconds? I've tried this all the time and non of them failed. Tackling slash traps the target in place for 9 seconds. 9 Seconds is more than enough to crit kill any squishy. For TWs, 95% of the time, non of my targets ever thought of removing their wings. In TW, people have to multi-task (clerics etc.) and…
  • Disagree. We have acquired a pool of members that have stayed with the guild since the start of server, and after the Infamy raids and survived - also the ones that improved tremendously and get us to where we are today. Not loyalty? Well the Infamy days gives the perfect arguement to that. If you're a guild leader, your…
  • Nothing beats Subsea + bramble. Its still the ultimate killer move for a sin till date.
  • Sins are the most mobile-friendly class in the air. We have two teleport skills, Shadow tele with 30m when maxed, and Shadow jump at 35m when maxed. I've attempted this in TW countless of times. You can ninja from one target to another. Shadow jump has a low cooldown. In the event if you find yourself in a little bit of…
  • I think you missed out QQme VS Leviathan b:shocked
  • End game PvP move? Power Dash -> Inner Harmony - > Triple Spark -> Earthen Rift. TT-99 Daggers +5 has 871 Max damage. Triple spark ( 500% weapon damage ) with Earthen Rift (400%) : (871 x 5 ) x 4 = 17420 damage. 17420 + Your Base damage ( Pure Dex. Mines at 5900 ) = 23320 damage. If that crits, well x2 of it. or x2.3 if…
  • All I can say is, its more than what it meets the eye.
  • This is uber plain bullshyt. Couri didn't abandon Levi. He re-rolled to a BM which is almost maxed out in level soon enough, and is still in Levi. Levi is undergoing major reshuffling internally right now and is building on gradual, progressive improvements that aims to benefit on long term plans and goals.
  • Its possible. Made easy if you have demon spark on. Get a Bronze charm just in case you mess things up. Keep Focused Mind on each time when the cooldown is over. Assasins have the capability to regain 3 sparks within 15 seconds. That will mean, you can demon spark endlessly. Bloodpaint leeches for about 75-150 HP per…
  • You get endless supploy of Perfect Stones once you hit level 85. Each time you complete a half FC run, you get 2 tokens, which can be exchanged for a chest at a npc at the end of a full run. The chest gives you either chest of coins ( high chance ) , 100 perfect stones ( high chance ) , flawless shards ( moderate chance )…
  • So that makes Steven Wonder of the 1970s who sold only 7 albums a trend to the mass. And if the military plans operation by trend, their troops will die in an ambush of predicted moves. If corporations plays by trend, they will never excel better than their counterparts.
  • I think its pretty pointless to debate with someone who keeps insisting that his/her self proclaimed view of " more than 1 = trend " is always right.
  • Well then, just pin point those guys by their name, instead of using " Leviathan " will do? I've scanned through my threads over and over and I just don't get how you're saying that I'm backing people who scams. I'm backing innocent, nice people who are being dragged into your sterotyping views. I find it disturbing that…
  • And since when did " the leader does it "? This sounds more like a thread posted in rage in an attempt to soothe one's soul, with facts blurry and not gotten right. And what angers me is that, people are associating two black sheeps in guild to everyone in the guild. Because I know that the majority are awesome people who…
  • What happens if Mokoto and gang ( lets say, a number of them ) pulls out the same trick? What if they are the people whom you grow up along since day one. And despite talking out with them, things are still not working out. Answer from the bottom of your heart - What would you do?
  • I'm like talking about the sun, and you're talking about the moon. b:surrender
  • Its clearly obvious that this is an attempt to degrade a faction. There are many Non-Levi guys out there at trading square who are doing the exact same thing. Shouldn't you be picking on the rest as well if you're against "scammers" and not Leviathanians? I'm pretty sure every faction leader out there closes one eye to a…
  • Whats amusing is that, if the cat shop owner belongs to some guy from an unknown faction, I bet nobody will be bothered to bring this matter up.
  • So that means a maxed level sin with maxed detection skill can detect another sin of same level?
  • Ya know whats the irony? Infamy used to complaint about "boring" TWs and they want a challenge. Now its happening and they are QQing about it. Come on, just what the heck do you guys want? People are just having fun when the titans finally get a chance to clash ( its gonna happen sooner or later anyways ) so why the drama?…
  • Yes it works on all attacks.
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