oh come on. i only read the first 3 pages of comments so i dont know if this has already been said or not, but all pwi cares about is money. if people keep spending money they dont care what you think. stop spending money and maybe they will fix your problems. constantly complaining on the forums week after week isnt going…
That same thing has happened to me. I dont ****. Never have. It's a glitch not a ****. Apparently your more stupid then Americans since i am an American and I know better.
I was in the light nation. When the crash hit we were 20 - 30 points behind frost. When we could finally do something Frost gained well over 100 points. I understand that some of the biggest cash shoppers were in frost but come on really? And yes i have very little posts. I've played this game for a long time. I just dont…
I could really care less about the fact that they were the maiden chests. The problem i have is like the one other person. As a level 102 barb with a level 102 cleric for a wife, I always have barb and cleric buffs. In my opinion they should have given us enough information on what it was going to be to make a…
AHHHH once again pwi proving that their game is not Free to Play and that they do not care about anyone who doesnt sink tons of money into the game...
I just had to replace my monitor since mine stopped turning on yesterday. My only options to my dismay were wide screen monitors. On my old monitor a 20 inch normal lcd monitor i had my graphics settings at 1400x1280 which was the highest that that monitor would accept and i had no problems with my map. Due to finances at…
Ive been through fc maybe 10 times total. I hate the instance with a passion. I do Cube and marriage quest every day. I can go through either bh99 with just my wife. (cleric lvl 101 r8). My wife has been through fc less times then I have. That being said it is very possible to hit 10x without hypering fc or buying heads.…
are those the new rules on the wiki from when they changed them or they the old rules? From the looks of it they are old and outdated.
"Rank 9 for example, cost approx 1.2bil coins, or approx 1500gold. 1500 gold is affordable in real life, but 1.2bil coins would take long to grind/farm/merc. Even if you make 20mil a day everyday spending 24/7 online, it will take 60 days to get the coins to make r9. Even the r9 sales dont last for 60 days. And while half…
Wow this is old but i am finally tired of it. Quite frankly I am tired of seeing the same persons name come up in my chat windows. I buy packs when I can afford to but its not all the time. Personally i don't want people knowing when i get things from the packs when I do buy them. If this having Duke shout when someone…