WildFireXIII - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • i just got back from being away from the game for about a year.... So much more to learn. As far as i know they will never nerf aps. So ya people should stop bringing it up. Reason why they will never will nerf if is because people have spend real money to buy gold to buy gear to get aps. They would have to refund a ****…
  • It only works in some places and vs some mobs. It's funny to stun a mob from the other side of the room but not teleport to it. But then again, I hate it when I do wanna to teleport and I bounce back. QQ.
  • For the most part I only use zeals for the reasons stated above. Also note that if you delete the stating skill you can't get it back. I made that mistake once a long time ago lol. As for skills go for tree of protection, holy path, tangling mire, r courage, cloud erupt, and absolute domain, those seem to work great for me.