i Didn't comment at the time but, You don't know how Funny it was to see the "They will be Banned" in bold letters, I for one can not stand Simple minded one-track mind players, But i deal with it. i 100% Agree with the dishonorable people who thought they could have 100+ ten star orbs for free, Just so they could take it…
He's clearly angry, and yes it's the internet. What exactly is the problem with that? Im lost.
Its not any difference if it's the same message every week. "Hey guys, a small delay" I still don't get how the servers can be up late 100% of the time. It's just kinda odd to me.
They'll give you that same exact message next week if there is maint, And the week after that. There is Always going to be a delay. This patch isn't any different.
It seems like EVERY time there is a maintenance, There are ALWAYS and im not Exaggerating either, But literately always a Problem that prevents the server from coming back online at the designated time. Why is that? Just out of curiosity. What's the point of having a Start and end time if the end time doesn't really mean…