Its still a strange thing i see for most ROC members I've played with are very nice, sad to say that Hong and a select few, give this guild a bad name. Evo had the gall to take a lvl 2 city and i wish the rest of you good luck doing the same, but why some need to flame EVO after taking what they went after ? Evo is a fun…
I have no idea why players run out of quests so early. Since lvl 20 i've never been upto date with my quests always doing at least a lvl lower than my chars. Though i have been doing DQ's, not full on but if i happen to pass something needed on my DQ's i do it. Im lvl 60 still have 15 quests to do aint picked up all lvl 59…
There has to be a roll-back this was a bug and players used it to an unfair advantage hence its bug abuse. Be glad theres no1 getting banned over it and take the good old fix all roll-back and be happyb:laugh
you are a silly b:angry