i am sorry did you miss all of the quest updates that made it much easier to get to lvl 90+
i am not QQing i just think its a little over the top i never farmed nirvy anyway and i agree its a good way to get cannies but 1400+ in 2 hours just dosent feel right even in a FTP game you should still have to work to some extent for your gears..... it just dosent feel right that every thing is completely handed to…
Ok this NvN reward system is just a joke right ok do they honestly plan to keep it to were i can get over 1400 cannies (Etc.) in just two hours. do they seriously plan to keep it this way or is there going to be a nerf to the whole system in the next update because as it stands it is too much reward for 2 hours. any one…
this just makes everything better i just started really pking and i have already kill a ranked pvper thats kool
sorry that you are blind to the fact that vivi wasn't in my squad and only attacked Fapper and happy killed me 2 time while i kill her 3 so my KTD is better then hers and i only posted the pics because happy tried to try to deny my kill on her
nope its me boogie said so :3 and i proudly accept that title
You sure did boogie just do me a favor next time you pwn me back into blue name make sure i am actually in game....On another note maybe you need to give Happy a few pvp lessons so that he can beat the weakest bm on the server
Doqui brought up my " lucky zerk crit" so if you want me to bring it up isnt it funny how i did 13k to that r9 vici archer LOL "Happy_Ending got pissed when i beat him/her and said "had no chi now i am going to mess you up" even tho he attacked me firstexcuses excuses" umm i guess you dont realize that your faction member…
i never said she wasn't good let me just clear that up right now... all i am saying is that she said is i am the worst and i was able to beat her.....also she has better refines then i do so no excuse imho
ok just so you all know i am not butt hurt and i dont care about the 13k crit Happy_Ending got pissed when i beat him/her and said "had no chi now i am going to mess you up" even tho he attacked me first then he started in on how i am the weakest r9 on the server i got 2 more kills on him/her after that and all i am asking…
Ohh is that what that email was i thought it was a list of all my admirers on pwi there were thank you for clearing that and i mean i honestly thought people would have figured out alto sooner who our alts were b:chuckle
Nope me and vivi are only us the other 2 people you are talking about are completely different trolls i think nightshade tried to get vivi banned once to be honest somethign about pming Tigg and bye for now b:bye Also was this supposed to be hate towards me and vivi i honestly cant tell with a line like " Pro Trolls"
thanks for the advice however just because i can afford one thing dose not mean i can afford another my r9 parts i have because i merched them garnet gems on my server atm are 30m+ and seeing as how mu gear isnt quite end game i didnt see the point in rushing to gem it or shard it as for my boots i did buy them like that…
well fists bms only strong point is in pve because of their aps when you look at a fist bm in a pvp stand point they dotn suck persay but they are the weakest weapons for a bm to use imo you give up all of you dph in order to use fists also the fist skill tree isnt the bset suited for pvp play when you look at axes (stun…
Well the barb and veno classes are based off a chinese mythology so i wouldnt hold your breath this is also the reason that barbs can only be male and venos can only be female.
Thank you this is what i was hoping for i didnt say that theses 2 things alone would fix the unbalance indeed the game in un balanced in more aspects then on as you noted with psys and wizzies however i dont see this as so much a problem because of the qizzies being able to so much more DPH then psys. now as you mentioned…
as much as i wouldlove to argue your first argument i will put it simply like this i have a 95 barb i was able to hold aggro against a 4 aps sin usinr decides thatwere refined to +10 granted sins arent ment to use fists but 4 aps +10 deicides so that kinda dis proves your first point granted i did not hold aggro 100% of…
True i just figured people would voice their opnion on the matter to me it dosent matter if this were to ever reach the Devs this is just to see what people would think about if such an event were to ever happen
indeed almost everything you have suggested has been explained in no need to keep suggesting things which already have detailed reasons why we shouldnt expect them anytime soon or ever.b:surrender
To be honest i am rather suprised i was 1/2 expecting to see like massive ammounts of hate comments but it would seem only onw person had anything to say about my sugestions that does that mean every one else agrees o.o
soo you believe that lowering max aps from 5 to 3.33 would not work b:puzzled well first off do sins already not out dd every other class o.o i am not saying lower aps because it makes sin too strong i am saying lower aps to balance the game of course sins out dd bm why cause sins have the highest dps of all the classes.…
ok so i download it and run it ??
whats wrong with my bm
oopps wat i ment is is there anything wrong with useing polearms as my wain weapon
is there any thing wrong with usin axes as my main weapon ???
ok thats good to know but no i dont plan on doin much pvp i am more for pve play and i mean so far when i do duel people i have won more matches then i have lost... however is there a amount where i should cap my vit ??
wat do u mean by 70 axes 70 swords i only plan on usin polearms my build is not set up for other weapons
also i am using pole arms as my weapon of choice