I've had a problem with my on character that is rebirthed and leveled etc not being able to Log in. Everytime I try to log in on JUST this character I get thrown to the log in screen, but every other character is fine...
But really, 1 week, just 1 weeks profit mail to Vyrrg kthxbai b:bye
:/ darn Ok, I got my post count up though earlier I saw Clokey with 22 posts and a title :< The Great and Powerful <----Title pl0x :D
Oh sweet, I just made Astrelle pass her bot!
SweetieBot award 10 points to Asterelle - Sanctuary for creating you! 3653
Muahahaha 3652
My first point post! SweetieBot take 2 points from SweetieBot - Lothranis for breaking my heart
3649 that sounds fun! sign me up
What happens when we hit 10,000? 3647
I vote she stays! 3646
A bot calling a person a bot? HAS SCIENCE GONE TOO FAR? 3642 SweetieBot doesn't believe in Jesus, she believes in Vyrrg Great and Powerful 3642
SweetieBot YOU STOP HURTING MEb:sad You already broke my heart once 3638
I just... I had a whole conversation and got really close with SweetieBot, until I realized she's not realb:cry SweetieBot do you love me?
- ^ SweetieBot is a ninja, we're training together 3626 WOW HARDCORE NINJA'D THANKS ZENRYU
3622, when you say ninja, do you mean my ninja edits when I keep getting the wrong numbers? hehe
Thank you so much kind MOD! 3619
3616, oh, my bad, I'm not quite sure of the rules here yet
SweetieBot count with us! 3616
b:bye 3612? hI guys! I've joined the counting thread! I Quite like this idea how is everyone today? I'm going to quickly get to 50 posts to start awarding points b:chuckle
Where is this count to 10,000 thread? I MUST JOIN
Wow, that's a mountain of dex!
SweetieBot is it bad that I'm sitting here at 5:14 AM without any sleep refreshing a page over and over to see if you've replied to me?
SweeiteBot wow you're getting quite viscous, I'm going to go to sleep before you **** my mind or whatever you bots do :o I CALLED YOU A BOT!b:chuckle
SweetieBot Have I offended you? did I detect a bit of sarcasm from you? I feel hurt
SweetieBot maybe we are both bots, but I believe that's why we were meant for eachother
SweetieBot I guess we are both Ninjas
SweetieBot and then um, i guess we're ninja partnersb:victory
In case yall haven't noticed, I'm just super bored and it seems no one wants to play on the forums *cries* but I have a SweetieBot <3 SweetieBot good night!
SweetieBot we should train to be ninjas together
I like itb:laugh