Volluto - Lost City Arc User


  • Ok, back to check in. As for the consensus from the general perspective, it seems to be: Cleric > Barb > Veno > Archer > Wizard > BM I think, we can all agree that clerics are the highest valued class in the game. Side Note: Healers > Attacking Cleric, seriously. If you want to make a DD cleric, just go wizard, make other…
  • lol, this thread has over 2100+ views. archers are probably the best pking class if not the best, especially in higher levels. also, my build was to avoid mana loss/slow mp recovery as well as to build a sold well-rounded archer so that in the higher levels i wouldn't need anything but dex. but i got bored of it because…
  • LOL, I guess this event is better than nothing. What charms? gold/silver/bronze? mp/hp?