Void - Harshlands Arc User


  • Hey now, this is a post about Ascii being an emperor of QQme! No need to attack people. If you weren't introduced to bots you wouldnt know what the bot is called.
  • Well, I was gonna say something but apparently it only sent like 5 characters... Lol
  • Nanananana Batgirl!
  • Sorry Alex, that wasen't you... She forgot to color it Heres what it looks like after color... http://i41.tinypic.com/2it0va8.png
  • www.eharmony.com I can't press screenshot fast enough to see the damage on my screen :<
  • So buying Oracles for 80% (Even if it wasen't that many, oh look I have 40 levels worth of quests! Lol GG) of your levels suddenly makes you somebody people care about? Wtb more Oracles. You might aswell go play MapleStory and spam "buying fame!" I don't know about everyone else, but it does make me feel good, where are…
  • I don't make sense?! I don't speak Bakura, it's difficult for me to understand you too! When you talk fast all I hear is brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
  • Lol, I like how you only hear things you want to hear (Regardless of the person actually saying that). You are soooooo butt hurt over some forum posts you want to kill us for fun? LOL go ahead, I wouldn't be surprised if you one shot me. Infact I'd laugh if you didn't. Legend was right, you do like sucking ****. (See, I…
  • Ego boost? Yeah guys, my e-peen grew 6 inches. Lol kids running in fear to safezone of the only guild that actually has balls to crash a boss. Marketing Slogan: Crash Crimson during their bosses, your e-peen will grow 6 inches!
  • I don't mean to hate on the name Alex (If that is your real name, if its not... Well you must be **** or something) But everyone I know named Alex is a pizza face. If you don't know what pizza face is, go back to highschool if you aren't there already. Lets add it up: Epeen +1 Plays Videogames (PerfectWorld) +10 Trolls…
  • Where did you get the idea I was emo? Lol... "The Alex" quite the image you have for yourself.
  • A lesson to be learnt. It's better to hate a player then to hate the guild. Just because there is one person you don't like, doesn't mean they are all like that; It also doesn't mean this is how the person is, this is how they will always be. I don't hate people, I dislike people, whether it be their attitude towards me,…
  • People can adapt, not accepting someone because they are from a specific guild is descrimination. Everyone has their own biased opinions about clashing guilds, if I were a member of Crimson, I'd hate Pendulum too if I got killed by them all the time. It's something you know all along but you don't have an epiphany until…
  • Mmm yeah, thats also true. I don't particularly see it necessary to have "and" there in the first place, but I guess its more a preference in this case. Servers change, people change, guilds change. The world is a dynamic place.
  • Guys, Lessie doesn't know that you have to use square brackets to edit quotes! (Well, for the most part) (Normally you don't change the meaning of the original sentence, but I felt it was necessary)
  • I like your grammar, I don't like how you capitalize every word though. Also, I don't think you can use "And" directly following a semicolon (Maybe? I'm no English teacher). If you plan to use a semicolon, you might aswell just start your next sentence; I like semicolons. I use them almost as much as I use periods.
  • Well, TBH they get banned because Chin AoE's and kills people while they are in safe, I don't think it has anything to do with dragging the mob into safezone. Though if I were doing the Buried Bones world boss and I dragged it into safe I'd be pretty pissed if I couldnt crash it. Zhenning altogether is technically a…
  • ^ I got lessons from him, paid top dollar for that shiet
  • Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And Id like to take a minute just sit right there Ill tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel-air In west philadelfia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all…
  • wtb Copy Paste <3
  • What he said ^ might be another 3557
  • Eqn>String("X+3",Y1) DispGraph Put that into a TI-83 Calculator and you can see how straight it is.
  • DOT DOT DOT Care to define "munting" for me again? I think I missed that one.
  • I'm looking for the pukey face, but there isnt one... Hairy? Oh god! Somebody grab some scissors and a shaver! Gogo
  • If I'm putting it in anythings butt, it better be female; Sorry Wreck <3
  • Does she serrated and vicious too? I heard that was one of Stick's pro tips.
  • 5some? I'll pay for miji's
  • I have one... :> And no more stripper boxes; As I recall you died 3 times in there, oneshot twice.
  • WTB more HP?