As I just started two weeks ago and don't have much invested, I will be going to the new server for a full fresh start. I am looking forward to it :D
Well it would seem, that the need for another PvE server was greater than the need for another PvP server. Otherwise they would of gone with the other, at least that would be the logical deduction. But if you do not like PvE servers, why even come here and be antagonistic about it? Just go your merry way and enjoy your PvP…
I would love to take you up on this offer, the name on it would be Raaven, The styles I like most are the Akarra, Morgainne ( blue one below the cudle one and that would be great in dark blue and silver or a dark purple and silver) or the blue one that has your name on it of course the style of your main siggy is great…
Sales happen as do price reductions happen in RL, refunds are not given to those that bought before it was in effect.
Now that is an interesting mount, one I will never be able to own, but interesting all the same lol.
I am curious to know, does distance from the team have anything to do with it. A cleric or caster will often stay at max range that is possible to cast, when drops are picked up, perhaps you are not within range to be counted in the games random "roll" for that item. Not certian of this, just a possibility.
Hugs are good, but beyond that I do so hate being ganked when I am questing.
Hello all, still not giving up, message me in game on AngelsDemise as that will be who am going to be on tonight. Looking forward to meeting with that perfect guild :D
Deffiantly interested in this, give me a whisper when you get it started. I will most likely be on this alt.
I have played in several games that did exactly that, they consider it a failsafe to name duplications and the like. Usually though once a year, or every six months they would do a purge to clear out unused names.