VitalRus - Sanctuary Arc User


  • How can I receive my reward today, on January 1st? I mean, "Previous Months' Attendance" does not show months of previous year, "Reward" button is inactive, so I can't get my Monthly Attendance Reward.
  • There is one more thing: if people from Fac A and Fac B have no real experience of TW, they will lose combat against people from Fac C, who have such experience. Many people even from lvl3 factions on PVE servers have no experience of large-scale fight. As much as I remember from JD, Guild A can send "invitation to combat"…
  • Thanks for reply. Allright, that's what I did this time: I used another PC, another browser (Internet Explorer instead of Mozilla Firefox), cleared cache and cookies. However, server time of West Coast servers still looks strange: As you can see, my time is displayed correctly, time of East Coast servers is also correct. I…
  • I have same problem as many other players - no achievments. Thats not a big problem for me, just surprising a little. The main bug that I'he found - that my main character icon shows Blademaster lvl64, but i'm Barbarian lvl66 (at the moment). Other chars (from PW and JD) seem to be OK. Please fix that b:surrender But in…