Virridian - Harshlands Arc User


  • I remember Ascii and DeathUponYou - they were good^^
  • @Ajani - Hummm at first glace your post seemed kinda stupid, then I read it again and it all made sense. I'm beting that your not lvl 105 either, and you said that pking before that lvl is fail. Good point, that would expalin why I've already killed you on my veno ;) Better start doing more FC's b:chuckle
  • Oh um alright then, thx Anyone else care to give their 2 cents perhaps? O.o b:shy
  • Ok thanx guys, cool to see what you all had to say. :) I guess I just have to find someone willing to practice with me. b:surrender @Aniella - That list you made of all the different classes was nice, thanks. @Teppeii - omg that first post was hilarious, made me LMFAO :P @NiaJade - What do you mean you dont rely on your…