My money is on the DQ rewards and blessings being down until Tuesday maintenance at the soonest, that is if they don't skip that yet again, and it is very likely to be down for much longer than that.
Forgive me for not understanding the logic here, but usually when someone breaks something, does not do their job, does a slow job or bad job, they do not get thanked, they typically get fired, terminated, or at the very best demoted or reprimanded. In what kind of bizarro world does this kind of nonsense get "Thanked" or…
Since I do not expect decisive action on this matter any time soon, I recommend players start taking matters into their own hands. If you're a lowbie between 30-70 and need something in SP I recommend bringing one or more fairly tough escorts you can trust such as a lvl100 barb or sin and keep them between you and the…
Without a doubt Duke Nukem would be the most awesome character anywhere he goes. and on the note of maintenance, why even have it? nothing is ever done except "minor localization changes" which is either nothing, making rubber banding worse, or nerfing drop rates and making TT bosses harder and undo-able for a normal non…
They will wait 2 weeks and mark your ticket as resolved after doing absolutely nothing. This forum post will also be closed and deleted. GMs and Administration in general are typically incompetent and corrupt. In any case I wish you luck and hope your issue is somehow miraculously resolved.
I was logged on for 10 hours during that time period easily, and I have yet to see anything, same deal with everyone in my faction, WC and fl I have talked to. I am starting to see a few people brag about getting them today, but it's not me or anyone I know.
I support this petition to rollback before last maintenance and delete this nonsensical game economy destroying sale. A game is something you play, but something you give lots of money for once to get it all in a brief moment of gratitude is called prostitution. Personally I want a game with skill that is playable, and not…
When you use some slang that is not even a real word several times such as "noob" that really exposes what little intelligence you have. Just because you have access to your mommies credit card does not give you any talent or legitimacy. Too bad you cant actually obtain anything by playing the game.
I voted for some other game that actually cares about it's players and not $$$ signs b:pleased
The problem is not so much with a squad, you can do a lot of runs if you find a decent and intelligent squad not made of fail, but sadly a good squad is hard to find these days and that is why a lot of people just want to solo as much as they can when possible. Another problem is that if you don't drop in hundreds or…
This has nothing to do with the topic, and i'm not sure what you are saying? o.O Also on an added note one of the factions in question does not show up on core connect for Dreamweaver and they clearly do exist, are they also hacking the web system of PWI?
They have no problem closing a thread if you complain about a problem or report a rules violation, they also have no problem ignoring tickets. But when it comes down to real issues that matter they lie to us, and they don't even have the courtesy to repeat the lie once a week. If nothing is going to be done, then I suggest…
You have to consider that most of the PWE/I staff's actions are in fact ludicrous. Also consider that these games that are 10+ years old still have a more active and responsible staff base that will still do their jobs. I expect this thread to be closed quickly...
Thank you Andres for your in depth and thoughtful reply. I know for the most part a majority of Calamity members are honorable people, but all it takes is one person to do something like this. It was Renegades who was bidding on that territory before "Pay More" put in that fake bid. Something like this honestly benefits…