Vidalia - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • With the last patch, the forward command can no longer be mapped to the up arrow. Gives an error message "This key has been preserved by the game system." Also there is one button for Ascend/Descend. The key works for descend while previously you could map both ascend and descend with both the space bar and a separate key…
  • Only one skill can be automatic. To use the pet skills which are not automatic, you will need to use Alt-2 to Alt-5 or click on the skill.
  • You get a supply of special starter water, I believe as the result of the level 3 quest where you first tame a pet. This should take you into your teens before it is used up. From your inventory you need to right click the food to feed your pet. To make things quicker, drag the water from your inventory to a hot bar where…
  • "Is, uh,... Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"
  • If your hoarding some of the dragon quest items, sell some off. Last night after training, I was feeling poor with my cleric and noticed that I had nearly a full stack of soft fur. Just selling most of that stack off paid for my training. Of course, if you are paying too much for HP pots, befriend a cleric and let her take…