Venoruya - Harshlands Arc User


  • Yep, go up this small hill and u might see a abrabin clot(u might noobs might kill it) and a three hut village then u click the flowers wait like 3 sec after all flower r done then go bac to the pet trainer in the city of the lost i am suprised u hav it dont it in lvl 23 i did it in like lvl 11! But i wont blame u caz u…
  • UPDATE: i hav a blood thirsty aldal wolf thou its loyalty is wild like 50 cuase i just tamed it i forgpot what lvl but i am thinking of selling it i wonder where u get a rocky pet?
  • No thou u need like stregth for good weaopn and defene and dont waste a lot on vit Str is for mostly good armor but for my lvl mgaic dex and str is what i always work on mostly str&mag!