Hi guyz, I hoped, that this patch would solve my problems with Unexpected Error, but nothing happens... Still crashing... I am very very dissapointed and sad, I wanted to buy some packs maybe and now I cannot even play... b:cryb:cry I think there should be some refund for those players with this "game running problem" from…
I got same problem... But only on my PC, on my sisters it works OK, but i cannot play there, just tried. :-/ I reinstalled 2 times it on my computer, then patched and veryfied about 5 times and nothing changes... Just after pressing Start game button, it shows fancy picture and then tadadadown... ends... :-) b:angry My…
Yeah guy, it is the same on my side... :-( I am very disappointed... b:cry
Yeah me too... Reinstalled Rising Tide, downloaded update manually (auto had showed error with reading one file) tried some settings but still cannot play it... :-(b:angry