hey same
yeah i made a character on the new server as well came to find out they took my EPs name i had to than change it I was a lil ticked off but just goes to show... Haters take what they cant think of themselves
Thanks for that I will consider it, Could you give me a list of your officers and and what time zone you are pretty much based out of? Much appreciated
I have a story on a Bh 39 that I was helping a fellow guildie with, the party consisted of a high 5x cleric (who did a very good job) a 5x barb (fail) a high 6x Bm (went afk before we got to farren) and myself a 7x veno, Well anyways I pull the 3 mobs away from farren killed them off and let the barb tank (bad idea) well…
Could and officer pm Zanathan in game please I would apprecitate it like ASAP
tyvm 105 664 to be exact, but thanks saved me alot of time
Easiest way to look at some land mounts is to press O on the keyboard, brings up PWI's boutique, that shall give u a price in rw money, than to transfer that into game money go to the auction house and see how what the rw/ in game gold ratio is that should give u an understanding, and on another note in city of the lost…
thanks and i got the info on the instance which is by the town of arrivals,
im on now kyna if u are available, i live in the us central time zone so its like noon here right now but yeah, ill wait for u guys to whisper =D
someone with rank pm me in game i wanna know more about ur faction
please pm me in game its been a few months since ive played, but im back on my feet and im active, i do have a job though so i cant play 24/7 but im about to log back in hit me up in game but i need a faction thats willing to help and im always down to help a friend in need so yeah thats about it hit me up in game thanks
well didnt really tell me much about u guys, lets see how many members and what are the level ranges? are u guys helpful, mature? cause if not i cant join cause i like to have fun and talk on the faction chat all the time i like training with felow guildies, this is some of the questions i would like u to answer please and…
thats whats up barb/tank ftw!!
thanks for that!! after searching the north part of the mountain i have now accomplished my mission =P