please stop making new threads about genies.. theres already three... -.-
My genie looks like a little fire bug following me around everywhere.. I Love's it!! ^.^ My cleric got stuck with the Pink one though I think I might remake her and retake the quest for the free one jus to try and get her the Fire one or the Dicipline (sp?) one! :P I wish they'd made a black one that did like, shadow magic…
"WHHAAAA... QQ OMG Dees Jeeny's dunt maak mai tun oobar!!!" SHUT UP. Its a game. You dont like it? Play another. I personally LIKE my little glow bug following me around everywhere.
I shall try and do the thingies you reccomended! :D Also, the first version looks almost exactly like me.. which is why I like it so much! ^.^ And NO I'm not tila.. everyone jus keeps telling me I look alot like her.. go figure! :P
mmk, thats what I figured but I wanted to make sure.. guess I'll just have to remake my Archers model the hard way.. TY for the quick responce! ^.^