I attempted to colour a few of these and ended up giving up. I honestly fail at it aparentally, despite my attempts not to. Haha. b:chuckle Anyways, props to everyone who has coloured and drawn. They're nice.
^ Completely gets on my nerves and deserves to die in a hole. Was also seen at a **** bar making out with Justin Bieber. b:shutup (@Nova -- D'awww lol <3)
attacked by roaches. b:shocked
This is such a cute thread. b:dirty
Valentine & Nova (6x cleric & 100 archer) Couple drawing <3 Here is a screenshot of us embraced: Here is a screenshot of us kissing: Here is a screenshot of us embraced, once more, but closer to our faces: As for their…
Zomgah. You're so good. They're pretty <3 I wonder.. if you'd be able to draw two chars together? If you wanted something a bit more challenging, if not I'll just post my cleric up.. if you're still allowing these D: /nervous ;o;
Lol, I need to get that and tease my husband with my hawt pixel body. b:dirty Edit: I have a SS of my veno in only the white panties type thing D: Silly glitches.
Back when Harshlands was a new server I played a different character. This is a screenshot taken from that character, not this cleric. b:chuckle
Be nice Kaiser. >:o That's my hubby you called fail! :( He protects this noob cleric for me, so he can't be fail. D: <3Narla/Kaiser ? ;3