Different Server = Different Prices =)
I have found and purchased a Galaxy Beetle, Normal speed=()+3.2 Hasted=6.2 I am Very Happy With this mount =), it only cost me 26M+Intermediate reset note =D
lol yeah i was pretty sure that there wernt any wasps there, can anyone gimmee a pc on these hard to find mounts?
umm okay please tell me how =D
i know the boa can be bought at the CS but nothing else can be. the serpent i see no limit as to how much $$$$ it costs XD, hell, like i care, i'm still gunna get it XD
how much for Boas?
In-Game Coins Not Gold/Silver?
i am having the same problem i have reinstalled the client twice and it still has the same error message SOMEBODY help me!!! =(